
System Administrator Nagpur Region

System Administrator Nagpur Region



Department of Personnel and Training has issued following Consolidated instructions on Regularization of Unauthorized Absence.

As per Rule 25 of CCS (Leave) Rules 1972:

• Unless the authority competent to grant leave extends the leave, a Government servant who remains absent after the end of leave is entitled to no leave salary for the period of such absence and that period shall be debited against leave account as though it were half pay leave, to the extent such leave is due, the period in excess of such leave due being treated as extraordinary leave.

• Willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Government servant liable to disciplinary action. Government of India decisions also exists that a Government Servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately and this should not be put off till the absence exceeds the limit prescribed in Rule 32(2) (a) of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. 

• It is once again stressed that a Govt. servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately. Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that in all cases of unauthorized absence by a Government Servant, he should be informed of the consequences of such absence and be directed to rejoin duty immediately within a specified date, say within three days, failing which he would be liable: for disciplinary action under CCS(CCA) Rules 1965. If the Government Servant does not join duty by the stipulated date the Disciplinary Authority should initiate disciplinary action against him and the disciplinary case should be conducted and concluded as quickly as possible. 

 • It is only due to apathy of the Disciplinary Authorities that the situation arises where long pending unauthorized absence leads to delay in other service matters of Government Servants, including promotions. To avoid such situations all Ministries Departments should advise Disciplinary Authorities to ensure that prompt action is taken against Government Servants who absent themselves without permission and that Charge-Sheets are issued without delay. 

• The consequences and procedure to be followed in respect of an officer who is absent from duty without any authority has been brought out under FR 17(1 ) and 17-A. As per FR 17-A(iii) without prejudice to the provisions of Rule 27 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1972, remaining absent without any authority or deserting the post, shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in the service of the employee, unless otherwise decided by the competent authority for the purpose of leave travel concession, quasi-permanency and eligibility for appearing in department examinations, for which a minimum period of continuous service is required. 

 • Comptroller and Auditor General have issued orders that the period of absence not covered by grant of leave shall have to be treated as “dies non” for all purpose; viz., increment, leave and pension. Such absence without leave where it stands singly and not in continuation of any authorized leave of absence will constitute an interruption of service for the purpose of pension and unless the pension sanctioning authority exercise its powers under Article 421, Civil Service Regulations [now Rule 27 of the CCS (pension) Rules] to treat the period as leave without allowance, the entire past service will stand forfeited.

• It may be noted that regularization of unauthorized absence for pension purpose is to be considered under the CCS (Pension) Rules. Only in cases where the disciplinary authority is satisfied that the grounds adduced for unauthorized absence are justified, the leave of the kind applied for and due and admissible may be granted to him under the CCS (Leave) Rules.

Office Memorandum No. 13026 /3/20 LO-Estt. ( Leave) dated 22.06.2010

Refresh ruling Knowledge 

1. Whether the divisional superintendent who is a witness or a party in the can case issue charge sheet to an employee, to whom he is disciplinary authority
          No. In such cases an adhoc disciplinary authority must be appointed.
2. Whether any punishment can be imposed with retrospective effect.
         No. No penalty can be imposed retrospectively; it can only be prospective, either from the date of issue of punishment order or from a prospective date 
3. Whether the punishment of reduction of pay awarded under Rule 16 will affect pension?
No. Any punishment awarded under rule 16 should not affect pension. But if an inquiry as specified under Rule 16(b) is conducted
such a punishment can be imposed.
4. Whether promotions can be accorded if the punishment order has not become operative?
    Yes. It should be. Promotions cannot be ordered during the currency of punishment.
5. Can an official be reduced in rank to a rank lower to which he was originally appointed?
      No. He cannot be reduced to a rank lower than the rank to which he was originally appointed
6. Whether an order of stoppage increments with cumulative effect will affect seniority?
     No. But an order of reduction to a lower rank/post will affect seniority, if ordered as such (Rule 11 Goi 10)
7. What is the DOPT instructions, in determination of seniority in case of reduction to a lower rank/post?
8 After acquittal from court on criminal charge, whether the dept can take disc action on the same charge?
    NO, if the official is acquitted honourably. But if the acquittal is for lack of evidence etc... Dept can proceed, if it has got enough evidence to prove the charge. This is because the standards of proof required in a deptl inquiry and in criminal proceedings are different. 
9 Whether an officer holding current charges can exercise the disc powers attached to the post?

10 Whether the lower authority (SP) can award major penalty to an official appointed by the higher authority (SSP)?

     No. No civil servant shall be    dismissed or removed          from service, by an           authority subordinate to        appointing authority.
One official may have many appointing authorities in every stage of promotion etc... Therefore the highest authority among these appointing authorities can only impose major penalties.

11 What is the period after which a suspension order will have to be reviewed?

As per sub Rule 10 sub rule 6&7(ccs (cca)) the 1st suspension order will remain in force only for 90 days. Before the expiry of 90 days the suspension order will have to be extended based on the recommendations of the review committee  The review committee can also recommend extension of suspension only up to 180 days at a time.

12 Whether the suspension order can be prolonged with out the issue of charge sheet?

    Yes if the review committee recommends extension, but it will be difficult to justify such prolonged suspension. CAT Bangalore in a  judgement in case of A.S.Krishnamachari vs UOI 1993(1) LiL (cat)195 Bangalore held that non issue of charge sheet even after 180 days is unjustified  and quashed the suspension order.

13 weather the committee is empowered to extend suspension beyond 180 at a time

Yes. But not at a  time, the committee has to review suspension before the expiry of 180 days

14 Weather the closed cases can be reopened?

     Yes. The reviewing authority after giving a due notice to the concerned official with in the period prescribed for such a review can revise the order earlier made by the disciplinary authority. 

15,16 &17 Omitted

18    What is the financial power of LSG&                                        HSG POSTMASTERS?

Rs 30/- to LSG and Rs 60/- to HSG, Subject to availability of funds allotted by DO

19    Can an authority force an official to take VR When he becomes physically or mentally disabled?

No. As per DOPT orders dated 19-01-2004 no establishment shall dispose with or reduce in rank an employee who acquired disability during his service. In case if it is not possible to adjust him against any post, he may be kept on a super numery post until a suitable post is found or made available or till the date of his retirement on superannuation.  This order is based on the amended provisions of the section 47 of the “ persons with disability act1995”
20 Omitted

21  Whether any time limit is prescribed for disposal of representations received

22. Whether one official already placed under suspension can function as Defence Assistant in other Case?

          Yes: As per the Rule 14 (18) of CCS (CCA) rules 1965, it is permissible. This has been examined by the Kerala High Court and opined that there is no rule that a person under suspension is not entitled to Assist another Govt. Servant in enquiry proceedings.

23. What are all the circumstances under which, the Dies non can be awarded?

          The day can be marked as ‘Dies non’ only under the following three circumstances.

i)             When the official remains absent from duty without prior information.
ii)            When on duty in office, the official leaves the office without proper permission ; and
iii)           The official remains in office, but refuses to perform duty assigned to him

In any circumstances , dies non should not be issued without issuing show a cause notice.

24. Whether late coming to office can be treated as ‘Dies non’?

          No. A day on which an official comes late and works throughout the day during office hours will not be marked as dies non.  Treating this day as ‘Dies non’ for coming late is not contemplated in the rules.  The proper course in such case would be debit the ½ day casual leave account of the official as per instructions. This is confirmed in the DG’s letter dated 26.12.79

            Further the Department in its letter dt 22.07.75, has stated that Half day CL should be debited to the CL account of a Government Servant for each late attendance up to one hour on not more than two occasions may be condoned by the competent authority, if he is satisfied.

25. What is the position in case if no casual leave for debiting to late attendance? If the leave sanctioning authority does not want to condone the delay, what action can be taken?
            If an official who has no casual leave to his credit comes late without sufficient justification and the administrative authority is not prepared to condone the late coming, he may inform the official that he will be treated as an unauthorised absence for the day on which he come late and leave it to the official himself either to face unauthorised absence or to apply for earned leave or any kind of leave due and admissible for the entire day, the same may be sanctioned.  This is order of the Ministry of Home Affairs dt 05.03.82 As such Question of dies non will not arise in such cases.

26. A rule 14 charge sheet was issued to the official and he died when the case was under enquiry stage. What will be the fate of charge sheet? Whether the family will bet pensionary benefits?

            As per the DOPT order dated 20.10.99.  where a Government Servant dies during the pendency of the inquiry(i.e) without charges being proved against him, imposition of penalty is not justifiable.  Therefore the disciplinary proceedings should be closed immediately.  Family of the official is fully entitled to avail all the retirement / pensionary benefits as available to the family of the deceased employee.

27. Whether the adverse entry in the confidential report is operative in case the representation made against the same is pending with the appellate   authority?

            Adverse remarks should not be deemed to be operative, if any representation filed with in the prescribed limit is pending.  Further, the representation should be decided with in three months by the competent authority.

28. What is the time limit for making representation against adverse entry?
            As per the old rules, only one representation against adverse entries should be allowed within one month of their communication.  Even belated representations may be considered if there is satisfactory explanation for the delay ( DOPT order dt 31.10.61.).  An appeal against rejection of representation against adverse entries can be made with in six months after such rejection.  Now the CR system has been modified as APAR (Annual Performance Assessment Report.  As per the new schemes 15 days times for the receipt of communication will be given.

29. An official was placed under suspension on flimsy reasons.  He has been awarded with only minor punishment under Rule 16.  What is the fate of suspension period?
            Where the departmental proceedings ended with the imposition of minor penalty against a suspended employee, the suspension can be said to be wholly unjustified in terms of FR  54 ( B).  There fore the employee concerned should be paid fully pay and allowances for the period of suspension.

30. Whether any specific orders are required for declaring holiday’s during General election?  If not what are the provisions.

            No Separate order is required.  It should be declared as closed holiday on the following circumstances.

i)             In the notified areas where General election to  State Legislative assemblies scheduled to be conducted.
ii)            In connection with by-elections to Loksabha/ State Assembly, the office shall not be closed. However the employees who are bonafide Voters in the relevant constituency should be granted special casual leave on the day of polling.
iii)           Special CL may be granted to an employee who is an ordinary resident of that constituency and registered as a voter but employed outside the constituency having a general/by election.
31. Whether LDN( Leave Not Due) can be availed in case one having E.L  at his credit and wants to keep it for his retirement benefits?

            Yes.  LND may be sanctioned in cases where credit in EL account is available.  However LND can be granted only on medical grounds and not for private affairs.

32. How may days an official can avail Earned leave at a stretch?
             Since 1990, it has been increased to 180 days.

33. Is the Service book of an official is a secret document? Is there any provision to verify the entries there in by the official?

            According the DG’s order Below SR 202, it is incumbent on every Government servant to see that his service book is properly maintained.  He should be allowed to verify the entries periodically and affix his signature in token of having accepted the entries made there in..

            It is necessary that one has to verify the service book every year and check the  entries made there in with a special reference to leave account and service particulars   .

            A certified copy of service book can also be obtained on Quitting service on payment of Rs  5/-

34.  Whether the fitness certificate should be obtained from the same doctor who certified the illness?
            Not necessary.  The rules do not envisage that the fitness certificate should be given by the same doctor who gave the medical certificate.

35.  IF an official is directed for Second Medical Opinion to D.M.O whether he is entitled to claim TA/DA?

            AS per Rules, any employee who has been asked to proceed to some other station for second medical opinion, he should be granted T.A for the journey period and D.A for a maximum period of two days calculated as on tour  This facility is allowed only in cases of Second medical opinion for grant of original leave and not for extension of leave.

36.  If the ward of official who is physically handicapped studying in unrecognized institution is he entitled for tuition fees or not.

            Tuition fees shall be reimbursed in case of physically handicapped/ mentally retorted child irrespective of whether the school/ institution is recognized or not, provided the institution and  its fee structure is  approved by the Central State Government.

37.  An employee is having just five years of service for superannuation.  He applied for EL which has been rejected.  It is correct?

            As per DOPT orders dt 29.09.86, Earned leave should not ordinarily be denied to any employee, especially in the last ten years of his carrier.

38.   An employee posted at higher HRA station was transferred to a lesser HRA station. His family continued to stay at old station. What is his HRA entitlement?

            As per the MOF order dt 28.03.03, he is entitled to HRA at the rate  admissible at the old Head Quarters, if his family continue to reside there for six months or till he is allotted or secured family accommodation at the new headquarters. whichever is earlier.

39.  Can an employee having mentally retarded children be posted to the place of his choice?

            As per the Dopt orders dt 15.02.01, Such a request need to be considered favourably to facilitate proper treatment of his child. .

40.  Whether Special casual leave can be availed during Bunds, riots strikes etc.?

            Heads of the departments may grant special casual leave to employees residing at places 5 K.M. away from their offices, when they are unable to attend office due to dislocation of traffic arising out of bundhs, natural calamities …etc. If  the absence is due to picketing or curfew , special casual leave may be granted to all the employees irrespective of distance

41.  Whether casual leave can be combined with other kind of leave?

            No.  It cannot be combined with any other kind of leave.  But CL can be combined with Special C.L.  Similarly Special CL can be combined with any other kind of leave.

42.  What are all the actions termed as sexual harassment on women employees?
Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by Implication) as:
a) physical contact and advances;
b) a demand or request for sexual favors;
c) sexually colored remarks;
d) showing pornography;
e) any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature

43.What is the time limit fixed for disposal of representation by the nodal ministry?

            The Dopt Vide its Om dated 11.01.2002 stipulated that the representations of the officials should be disposed with in  six weeks.  Representations requiring inter departmental consultations should be disposed within three months.  Final reply should be self contained, Covering all points raised by the employee and if rejected, grounds for rejection should be clearly given.

44. Whether two punishments can be imposed for the same lapse?

            As per the Dte letter dated 30.03.81 in a disciplinary case, two punishments should not be imposed for the same offence.  However recovery from pay can be ordered for recovery of pecuniary loss caused to the government along with any other penalty.

45.   An official has submitted resignation but before acceptance, he applied for withdrawal of the same?  Whether it should be considered or not?

            If the employee’s written intimation of withdrawing his letter of resignation reaches the appointing authority before its acceptance his resignation will be deemed to have been automatically withdrawn.  If the resignation has been accepted but the employee is not relived before his letter of withdrawal reaches the appointing authority, he may ordinarily be allowed to withdraw his resignation.  If for some reason, the request for withdrawal is refused, the grounds for refusal should be recorded and conveyed to the employee.

46.  Whether legitimate Trade Union activities will attract CCS rules?

            The Department has clarified vide its letter dated  06.10.95, that legitimate union activity that does not violate CCS ( conduct) Rules 1964 & ED (conduct & service) rules 1964 or other rules or instructions governing the concerned employee should not lead to disciplinary action against the employee and this should be strictly ensured.

47. Whether oral orders and instructions or to be obeyed?

i)              Oral instruction should not, as far as possible be issued by senior officers to their subordinates.

ii)            IF the oral instructions are issued by any senior officer, they should be confirmed by him in writing immediately thereafter.
iii)           if a junior officers seeks confirmation to the oral instruction given by the senior , the latter should confirm it in wiring whenever such confirmation is sought.
iv)           A junior officer who has received oral orders from his superior officer should seek confirmation in writing as early as possible/ practicable.

48.  Is there any provision to proceed against an employee on anonymous complaint?

            No Rule 183 of Vol iii clearly stipulated that no action should be taken an anonymous and pseudonymous complaint against any Government servants. But if the complaint discloses very serious matter and contain verifiable facts then necessary enquiry should be conducted. If such an inquiry reveals serious irregularity on the part of the employee disc action can be taken 

49. Whether the staff Quarters can be forcibly allotted to an employee even though he has not offered his willingness?

            No. it should not be trusted upon any employee against his will and in the absence of a written request for allotment of a Quarter from the employee.

            However, it is mandatory for the employee to occupy the rent free post attached Quarters. If he refused to occupy the same, no HRA can be drawn.  This is as per the Dte letter dt 11.07.2000.

50. Is there any condition that the compassionate appointee should be maintain the family properly?
            Yes. He should give an undertaking in wiring at the time of appointment that he will main properly the other family members who were dependent on the Government Servant and in case it is proved subsequently at any time that the family members are being neglected or are not being maintained properly by him, his appointment may be terminated forthwith.

51. Whether the divisional union can pursue the Reservation roster at Divisional level?

            As per  Chapter IV, rule 6 of Swamy’s compilation on Reservation & Concession for SC/STs, the reservation roster is not a confidential document and can be shown to individual officials /association and if necessary through the liaison officer.

            As such, the divisional secretaries on request should be permitted to pursue the roster once a year.

52.  .  Whether the departmental vehicles can be used to admit an official for immediate treatment in case of serious illness?
            As per the DOPT order dt 19.10.82, the departmental vehicles can be provided to such officials who may need emergent medical attention, while on duty.

             If the departmental vehicle is not immediately available, maximum possible assistance/ aid should be provided and the official moved to hospital by engaging other transport, if necessary at the cost of the government.

53. Whether one officer from the department should be sent along with the official who is summoned for interrogation by police?

            When a departmental official is required by the police officers for interrogation, invariably a senior official like ASP/SDI/PRI(p) should accompany the official and he should be remain there till the interrogation by the police is over

54. An official is having EL at his credit. He wants to keep it for encashment on retirement. He has no HPL at credit. Can he be sectioned LND even if EL is available at his credit?

The availability or other wise of Earned leave has no bearing on sanction of LND.  LND is nothing but advance credit of HPL that will be earning in the rest of his service.  So it may be sanctioned, provided that there is every prospect of his earning that amount of HPL in his left over service

55.  What is the cut off date for the condition of having not more than two surviving children for family planning Allowance?

            The order was issued on 06.07.1999 in which it was categorically stated that the family planning allowances shall be admissible in future only to those C.  G employees, with not more than two surviving children.  As such, the condition is not applicable for those having more than two children prior to 06.07.1999. .

            Further as per the rules this allowance is not available for those who under went family planning operation after 50 years of age in case of male employee and 45 years in case of female employee.

56. As EX Servicemen drawing pension was appointed as Postal Asst.  After his retirement he was drawing pension for his civil service also.  Whether his family is entitled for Family pension for both services?

            No.  Family pension can be availed for one service only army or civil

57 Whether an official can opt out of CGHS Scheme in case his spouse is working in a private organization which provides medical facilities?

            The Government servant can opt out from CGHS in such a circumstances as per the Government orders dated 04.08.1994.  There is no compulsion to remain in the scheme.

58.  Whether there is any provision for stepping of pay in MACP promotion in the case of junior getting more pay than the senior.

            No.  The MACP promotion is only personal to the official and the senior cannot claim stepping up of his pay with junior.  No pay protection is provided at par with junior.

59. In one disciplinary case, the disciplinary authority awarded one punishment.  He desired to modify/ alter the punishment or withdraw the charge.  Is he competent to do that?

     No.             As per Rule 29 of CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 the punishing authority is not competent to revise or cancel his own order. But the appellate authority on an appal or on it’s own accord can review & revise the order of disciplinary authority

60.  Whether MACP beneficiary is entitled for pay fixation benefits at the time of regular promotion?

            If the official got MACP before regular promotion and availed the fixation benefits, there will be no fixation of pay at the time of promotion.  In such cases, the official will continue to draw the same pay, but the next higher grade pay will be granted in case if the same is above the regular promotions.

            Further if the employee was offered regular promotion prior to the grant of ACP but declined to accept such promotion, he is not entitled for ACP.  Therefore one should not decline regular promotion before exhausting all three ACP Promotions.

61.  Whether the official under currency of punishment can be allowed to appear for departmental examination?

            As per the DG P& T letter No.  7/31/66 –SPB dt 25.06.65, if the punishment is current, the authority should consider each case on its merits to see whether a person should be promoted in- spite of the penalty imposed on the basis of the results of the examination which he has passed.

            Therefore, the officials under currency of punishment are eligible to appear for the departmental examination.

            Similarly, the officials against whom the disciplinary proceedings have been initiated or under suspension should also be admitted to write the departmental exam.  However he will be promoted only after the disciplinary proceedings is over and he is completely exonerated.

62.  If an official who is under suspension is entitled for Family Planning Allowance when his spouse undergoes family planning operation during the suspension period?

            It cannot be drawn during the suspension period as per the existing rules.  However, on reinstatement after suspension, he is entitled to the allowance and its date of effect depends on how the period of his suspension is treated.

63.  Whether any excess payment of pay and allowances can be recovered from the pension?
            No.  There is no provision to recover the excess pay and allowance from the pensioner vide GID (&) below Rule 73 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.  It is most pertinent to note that once the pension is authorized, it should not be revised to the disadvantage of the pensioner as per Rule 70 of the Pension Rules1972.

64.  What is the duration to avail 15 days paternity leave from the date of delivery of the child?

            As per the rules, it should be availed with in six months from the date of delivery of the child.

65.  What is the time limit for claming TA Bill?

            As per SR 194-A, it should be preferred within one year.  For LTC, it should be preferred within three months form the date of completion of return journey and if advance is drawn, it should be preferred with one month.

66.  Whether any Government dues can be recovered from the Group Insurance (CGEGIS) amount?

            No.  According to Para 21.2 of the scheme promulgated in 1980, it is not permissible to adjust any Government dues from the Group Insurance Scheme benefits

67.    An official is on leave for one month from 10th of previous month to 9th of next month. Is he is  entitled for Transport allowance during the  leave period or not?   

Yes. He is entitled for transport allowance. As per the orders dated 22.02.02 the transport allowance will not be admissible, if a govt servant is absent from duty for a full calendar month(s)due to leave, training, tour etc. in this case the leave period is spread over in two calendar months.  

68.  Whether the officials granted MACP promotion will continue to hold the original post or entitled to hold any promotional post and entitled to other privileges available to the higher post? 

            As per the MACP Scheme, the employees granted Financial up gradation(i.e) higher pay grade/ band shall continue to hold the original post on regular basis with the same designation, classification, duties and responsibilities without conferring any privileges related to higher status. On up gradation they will be eligible for LTC, allotment of Quarters etc.

69.  Can the Government Servant prefer ROHSC claim for his dependent son who is above 25 years of age?

            As per the OM dt 17.09.99, the medical facilities will continue to be available to sons who are dependent on Government servant irrespective of their age.  So, the claim may be preferred.(TO BE CHECKED UP)

70.  Whether the widowed daughter is entitled for family pension without any age restriction?

            As per the existing provisions under Rule 54 of CCS pension Rules 1972, widowed daughter is eligible for family pension without any age restriction subject to fulfilment of other conditions.

71.  What is the age limit of the wards for claiming Educational Assistance?

            The ward should not cross the age of 18.  ? However in case of physically/ mentally handicapped children, they are entitled for the benefits up to the age of 22 years as per the OM. Dated 21.03.2006.

72.  Is there any provision to apply for conversion of leave at any time or before the date of retirement as was the earlier practice?

            As per the Rule10 (1) of CCS (leave) Rules 1972 , the request for conversion of one kind of leave into another should be submitted within a period of 30 days after joining the duty on expiry of relevant spell of leave.  The earlier practice of applying conversion of leave at any time has been withdrawn.

73.  In continuation of maternity leave, an official is availing EOL.  Whether the EOL period will be treated as Qualifying Service?

            The maternity leave, as per rules, will be treated as qualifying service.  However EOL in continuation of ML without medical certificate will not count as qualifying service for increment/ pension.

74. What is the minimum contribution towards GPF subscription? Whether the amount can be altered by the DDO’s?

            As per Rule 8(b), the subscription towards GPF should not be less than 6% of emoluments and not more than total emoluments. (Pay+ Grade pay)  The DDO’s do not have any right to alter the subscription fixed by the Government Servant.

75.  An official is deputed to an office and he is Drawing Daily Allowance for 180 days. Thereafter he has not been paid with any TA/DA.  Is it correct?

                     As per SR 116, the transfer grant is admissible only if change of residence is involved. After 180 days, he can claim T.A bill by changing his residence to the newly posted station.  But daily allowance will be entitled only up to 180 days.

76. If an employee dies during suspension period, family of the employee will be entitled to the family pension or not?

                     According to FR 54 (B) (2), where a Government servant under suspension dies before the disciplinary proceedings instituted against him are concluded, the period between the date of suspension and the date of death shall be treated as duty for all purposes. His family should be paid fully pay and allowances for that period he would have been entitled had he not been suspended. Naturally his family will be entitled for family pension and death gratuity. 


77.  If one postmen is having the qualifying service of 9 years 10 months. Is he entitled to pension?

                     Yes. Certainly he is entitled. As per Rule 49 of CCS (pension) Rule 1972 , the period of three months and above but less than six months is to be treated as qualifying service of six months for determining pension.  Hence all who are having the qualifying service of 9 years 9 months and above should be treated as ten years of qualifying service and they are entitled to pension.

78.  An employee, after the end of Disciplinary proceedings under Rule 14 was dismissed/ removed .In such case, whether he can avail the benefit of leave encashment for the leave at credit in his account?
                     No. The official is not entitled.  As per the Rule 9, the leave at credit is treated as lapsed on the date of removal/ dismissal .  There is no question of any leave encashment.

79.  Whether change of option for availing either CGHS medical facility or Medical Allowance is allowed to the pensioners?  If so, how many times he can change the option?

                     As per DOP & PW OM dt 30.12.98, one change in option in the life time of a pensioner shall be allowed.  As such he can change the option once.

80. When the period of suspension is treated as duty for all purposes, whether the concerned official is entitled for increments  during that period?

                     Yes.  When the suspension period is treated as duty for all purposes, his pay and increments etc are to be regulated as if he was on duty.

81.  An official who is under suspension is convicted by a court of law.  Whether he can continue in service after compilation of punishment awarded to him?

                  A notice should be served on the official asking him to state as to why he should not be dismissed/removed from service on account of his conviction in a court of law. On receipt of the reply, the disciplinary authority should carefully examine as to whether the offence committed by him is serious enough to dismiss him from service. Then take appropriate action as per Rule……… (see reply to question No 8 also)  

82. An employee committed suicide while in service, whetherl the family is entitled for family pension and other retirement benefits?

Yes.  Family is entitled to family pension and death gratuity  

83   How an order of reduction of pay/ grade is to be worded?

                     The order of penalty of reduction to a lower grade should specify the following:-

i)             The date from which it will take effect and the period for which the penalty shall be operative.
ii)            The stage in the lower time scale in which the pay is to be be fixed.
iii)           Whether the period of punishment will postpone future increments or not.

All the above should be specifically furnished in the punishment order.

84. Whether the wife living separately is entitled for family pension?

Unless the marriage is  terminated with divorce decree by the court of law, the wife is eligible for family pension, irrespective of the fact whether  she was living with him or not.

85.  A pensioner who commuted his pension expired before completion of 15 years; will the commuted pension for the remaining years, recovered form the family pensioner?

            No. The portion of pension should not be recovered from the family pension.  The family pension is payable in full to the beneficiary.

86.  Recovery of CGHS contribution is with reference to the place of residence or to the place of posting?

            Recovery of CGHS contribution is with reference to the palace of residence of the official and not with reference to the place of posting.

87.  Whether it is compulsory to nominate the suppose for GPF?

            According to GPF (CS) Rules any member of the family can be nominated.  Similarly for Group Insurance scheme, the Government Servant can nominate any one of his family member.

88.  Whether commuted leave can be granted without production of medical certificate?

            No.  Production of medical certificate is mandatory to avail commuted leave even for one day.

89.  Whether the leave sanctioning authority can alter the nature of leave applied for by the official?

            The leave sanctioning authority shuld not alter the nature of leave applied by the official.

90.  Whether Pension amount can be attached by the court?

            As per the Pension Act 1971, Pension is not attachable by any court of law, even if the decree is for maintenance.

91. Now the annual increment for every 1st  July. If any Dies non for a single day is awarded during one year from July to June next year, will it not postpone the increment for another one year?

            No.  As per the Rule 10 of CCS (RP) Rules 2008, an official who has completed six months qualifying service will be entitled for next increment.  As such Diesnon, EOL without MC up to 6 months will have no effect in postponing the increment.

92.  An official , after completing full tenure is transferred to another station at request.  Whether he is entitled to claim TA/DA for his transfer?

            The Department vide its letter dt 18.12.95 clarified that the officials transferred after the completion of full tenure are entitled for TA and transit.  This is effective from 18.12. 95.

93.  Whether a transfer order issued by an authority, competent to issue such orders can cancel that order?

            As per Directorate orders dt 06.01.82, the transfer orders once issued may be cancelled by the same authority in the interest of service.  However he will inform the same to next higher authority with reasons for his intention to cancel the orders.  If no reply is received with in 7 days, he can cancel the transfer orders.

94. Whether an official completes tenure in one office seeking for postings as Treasurer in the same office, will it be considered?
            If an official who has completed full tensure may be allowed to work as treasurer even tough he has done a full tenure in the same office in aother post.

95. An eligible official has been ordered to officiate in higher post for 10 days first and subsequently officiating arrangement is extended for another ten days.  Whether he is entitled to draw higher pay for the officiating period?
           Eligibility to draw officiating pay is dependent on the number of days for which the post was available for officiating arrangement, either due to leave of permanent incumbent or due to some other reasons. If the arrangement is for 14 days or more than all those who have worked in that post will have to be paid the pay and allowances attached to the post irrespective number of days they worked in that post.            
96 Whether the Circle or Divisional head is  empowered to convert a post attached quarters for other purpose?
            As per the Directorate orders dt. 06.05.03, the Head of Circle is competent, to convert a post attached quarters for other purpose?
            Similarly, the suspension of quarters beyond 90 days enabling the SPM to draw HRA due to inhabitant quarters shall be exercised by the circle head only.  There is no need to forward such cases to Directorate now.

97.  Whether the Divisional head who is having five months service left for his superannuation can issue rotational transfers?

            The Divisional Superintendents retiring with in a period of six months must obtain prior written approval of their DPS/PMG before issuing any transfer/ posting orders and appointment of ED agents as per the Dte. Orders dt -07.1992.  This order is again reiterated on 12-06-1996. As such no transfer order can be issued by him without the approval of  DPS.

98.  Whether preference can be given to physically handicapped employees in transfers?

            Yes. As per 26.07.90 orders, the requests from physically handicapped employees for transfer to their place of choice or  to their native place will have to be considered . This was again reiterated by the DOPT on 13-03-2202.

99.  Whether recovery of pay is a bar to promotion?

            As per Dte.  Letter No. 22-.12-87 , there is no bar to one being prompted While the recovery is in progress because such promotion will not affect the enforcement of the penalty.

100.       One Sub Pm provided with post attached quarter’s retired form service.  Whether he should vacate the quarters on the date of retirement or keep it for sometime?

As per the directorate orders dt 18-04-81,he may be allowed to retain the post attached quarters for a period of two months on payment of normal rent

101.       Is there any preference in allotment of P&T community halls for postal employees

          As per the Dte. Orders dt 02.06.84, the P & T employees should get preference in allotment of the community halls for their own use, before the requests of the outsiders, sponsored by another P & T employee

Maintenance of service book

Maintenance of Service Books
4.1    The rules governing the maintenance of service books in respect of Government servants are contained in the FRs&SRs and the GFRs. Some important provisions of rules which should be kept in view while maintaining service books are mentioned in the ensuing paragraphs.

[SR 197].

4.2    A Service Book should be maintained by the Head of Office for every Government Servant (Gazetted and Non-Gazetted) holding a substantive post on a permanent establishment or officiating in a post or holding a temporary post likely to last for more than one year.

Custody of Service Books
[SR 198].

4.3    A service book shall be maintained for a Government servant from the date of his first appointment to Government service. It must be kept in the custody of the Head of the Office in which he is serving and transferred with him from office to office.

Attestation of Entries in Service Books
[Government of India decision (1) below SR 199 in the Swamy's Compilation of FRs & S Rs, Part 1 (7th Edition)].

4.4    The Head of Office can delegate, to a subordinate gazetted officer under him, powers to attest entries in the service books of all gazetted officers (except his own) for the maintenance of which he is responsible. The Head of Office should however scrutinize at least ten per cent of these documents every year and initial the same in token of having done so.

Entries of Foreign Service in Service Books
[SR 203].

4.5    If a Government servant is transferred to foreign service, the Head of his Office or Department must send his service book to the Pay & Accounts Officer who will return it after noting in it, under his signature, the order sanctioning the transfer, the effect of the transfer in regard to leave admissible during foreign service etc. On the Government servant's re-transfer to Government service his service book must again be sent to the Pay & Accounts Officer who will then note in it the fact of recovery of leave salary and pension contributions. No entry relating to the period spent on foreign service should be attested by any authority other than the PAO. This fact is ,however to be recorded by DDO in case of the merged DDO Scheme.

Leave Account
[Rule 15 of CCS (Leave) Rules].

4.6    A leave account shall be maintained for each Government servant (Gazetted or Non-Gazetted) by the Head of Office. Entries regarding leave in the leave account and the service book should be made distinctly and attested.

Nature of Entries in Service Books
[SR 199].

4.7    Every step in a Government servant's offical life should be recorded in his service book and each entry must be attested by the Head of Office or if he himself is the Head of Office, by his immediate superior. The Head of Office must see that all entries are duly made and attested and that the service book contain no erasure or over-writing, all corrections being neatly made and properly attested.

[Government of India Orders(1) below SR 199 of the "Swamy's Compilation of FRs & SRs (Part 1) (7th Edition)''].

4.8    The entries regarding increments, and fixation of pay should be based on the Increment Certificates, and Pay fixation statements. The declaration of the Government servant electing the new scale of Pay and the statement showing the fixation of his initial pay in the relevant scale in support of the entry in the service book should be pasted in the service book.

[Rule 4 of the LTC Rules].

4.9    The declaration of Home-Town for purpose of Leave Travel Concession duly accepted by the competent authority should be pasted in the service book.

(SR 200].

4.10    Every period of suspension from employment and every other interruption in service must be noted promptly with full details of its duration and be properly attested.

Periodical Inspection of Service Books by the Govt. Servant Concerned
[SR 202].

4.11    The Head of Office should show the service book to each Government servant under his administrative control every year, and obtain his signature therein in token of his having inspected the service book. A certificate to the effect that he has done so in repect of the preceding financial year should be submitted by him to his next superior by the end of every September.

Entries regarding Date of Birth
4.12    The provisions of Rules 79 and 80 of GFRs should be observed with regard to the entry of the date of birth in the service book.

[Note 5 below FR 56].

4.13    No alteration in the date of birth of a Government servant should be made except with the sanction of the Ministry/Department concerned of the Central Government, under which the Government servant is serving, provided :

(a)    A request in this regard is made within five years of his entry into Government service

(b)    it is clearly established that a genuine bonafide mistake has occured; and

(c)    the date of birth so altered would not make him ineligible to appear in any School or University or UPSC examination in which he had appeared, or for entry into Government service on the date on which he first appeared at such examination or on the date on which he entered Government service.

Entries regarding verfication of service
(GFR 81).

4.14    (i) In the beginning of each year all the service books should be taken up for verification of service by the Head of Office in terms of Rule 81 of GFRs and a certificate in the following manner recorded therein over his signature :- "Service verified upto (date) from ........................the record from which the verification is made''.

[Government of India Decision No.(1) below GFR 81].

(ii)    If any portion of service cannot be verified from office records, the Head of Office should state distinctly that for the excepted periods (naming them) a statement in writing by the Government servant as well as a record of the evidence of his contemporaries ,is attached to the service book.

[Government of India decision(3) below GFR81].

4.15    In case of transfer of Government servant, the Head of Office under whom he was originally employed should record the verification of service in respect of the whole period during which the Government servant was employed under him before forwarding the service book to the office where his services are transferred.

Providing certified copy of Service Book
[Government of India decision No.(5) below GFR 81].

4.16    A certified copy of service book may be supplied on payment of a copying fee Rs. 5/- to a Government servant who asks for it on quitting Government service, by retirement, discharge or resignation.

Note regarding receipts of nominations for pension/ DCRG & other important to entries
[Government of India Decision No. 1 below Rule 53 of CCS (Pension) Rules,1972].

4.17    A clear note should be made in the service book regarding the receipt of nomination for DCR Gratuity and Family Pension and related notices from the Government servant and where they have been lodged for safe custody.

[Government of India Decision(7) below GFR 81].

4.18    The orders of the competent authority regarding the counting or otherwise of periods of extraordinary leave,or periods preceding breaks in service or qualifying service for pension should be obtained invariably at the very time the occasion arises and not later. Such orders should be noted in the service book.

[Government of India Order No. (5) below SR 199 in Swamy's Compilation of FRs,Part 1 (7th Edition)].

4.19    General Provident Fund Account No. allotted to a Government servant (including any subsequent changes in the Account No.) should be entered on the right hand top of page 1 of his service book by means of a rubber stamp.

[Para 4.2 of M/F OM No.F.15(3)/78 WIP dated 30-10-80,read with OM No..F.15(3)/78 WIP,dated 20-2-82].

4.20    The Head of Office should ensure that necessary note of the membership of CGEGI Scheme has been made in respect of Government Servants who were in service on 1st November,1980 and who did not exercise the option to opt out of the scheme and those who joined the Government Service later.

[Para 9 of the M/F O.M. No. F. 15(3)/78 WIP, dated 31-12-80].

4.21    The Head of Office should obtain from every Government servant who is a member of C.G.E.G.I. Scheme a nomination in Form 7/Form 8 as the case may be, countersign it and paste it in the Service Book. Whenever the nomination is revised by the Government servant, the fresh nomination should be similarly counter-signed and pasted.

4.22    The photograph of the Government servant should be pasted on the right side of page 1 of the service book.

4.23    Proper entries regarding medical examination of the Government servant at the time of appointment and attestation forms verifying antecedents and character etc. should be made at the appropriate place of the service book.

Account line rules

I am directed to say that the matter regarding grant of officiating pay to Selection Grade officials who held the Selection Grade posts on officiating basis has been under consideration in consultation with Estt. Branch of the Department.
2.         As regards filling up the posts of short term vacancies, it has been laid down in Department of Personnel & Training vide their OM No. 28036/8/87-Estt (D) dated 30.3.1988 and Om No. AB.14017/54/2003-Estt (RR) dated 4.12.2003 circulated vide this Department letter No. 137-2/2004-SPB.II dated 13/13thJanuary, 2004 and No. 137-99/2009-SPB.II  dated 32.12.2009 that hose employees in the feeder grade who fulfill the eligibility conditions prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for ad-hoc promotion.
3.         Rule 27 of Postal Manual Volume IV provides that for officiating appointments once the list of approved officers are prepared by Department Promotion Committee and finally approved by Government or the appointing authority, no departur4e from the order in the list should ordinarily be made provided that when administrative exigencies require it, a person not in the list or not the first in order in the list , may be appointed for a period not exceeding three months.

4.         Rule 50 of Postal Manual Vol. IV provides for officiating arrangement for filling up of vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one month`s duration and more that four month`s duration in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in different stations, sub –divisions or divisions in a circle and in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials in the same office of station. In the case of vacancies of not more than one month`s duration in a Division , officiating arrangement may be confined to the officials at the station where the vacancy occurs even if this involves the supersession of a senior qualified official by a junior official who is actually appointed to act. In the case of a station where there are more offices than one each independent of the others, the officiating promotion may, at the discretion  of the sanctioning authority , be confined to the office where the vacancy occurs. In the case of vacancies of more than one month but not exceeding four month`s duration , officiating arrangement may be confined to the officials in the office, sub-division or Division where the vacancy occurs on the same conditions as in the case of preceding clause.
5.         Rule 50 also states that in special circumstances in which strict adherence to the above procedure may not be practicable or desirable from the administrative point of view, the sanctioning authority may at his discretion make acting arrangement as per administrative requirements.
6.         In view of the above position, officiating arrangements may be made in accordance with Rule 27 or 50 0of Postal Manual Vol. IV or as per the instructions of DOP&T and Ministry of Finance, as the case may be. Such an official who fulfills the criteria laid down in the Recruitment Rules prescribed for such post and is thus eligible to be appointed to higher post is posted to officiate against the norm based supervisory post in LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I cadre on a whole time basis should be remunerated by allowing the pay and allowances in the pay scale/pay band + Grade pay attached to the higher posts, for the period the official continues to officiate in it, provided the provisions of FR-35 are not invoked by the appointing authority, which is normally done in case of ineligible officials appointed to the higher posts in exigency of service.
7.         Fundamental Rule (FR-) 49 provides for appointment of a Government servant already holding a post in a substantive or officiating capacity to officiate as temporary measure in one or more of their independent posts at one time and admissibility of pay for holding such post. Appointment under FR 49 normally does not arise in case of operative offices in the Department of Posts such as Post Offices and Mail Offices in respect of Gr. C posts. However, if there are any isolated case and /or exception is there, the provisions contained in FR-49 may be invoked. In such cases, when a Postal Assistant (not granted financial upgradation  under TBOP) being eligible is appointed to officiate for whole time in a norms based LSG (SPM/.APM) etc. post which is in the line of promotion, in addition to his duties in PA/SA posts, he may be allowed the pay attached to the  norm based LSG post without any additional pay/allowance for performing the duties of lower posts of PA/SA. If the government servant is directed to hold the dual charge of two posts in the same cadre carrying identical scales of pay, no additional pay is admissible except special pay, if any attached to the additional post.
8.         No additional pay and /or special pay/allowance are admissible for holding current charge of the routine duties of another post.
9.         Keeping in view the above , it has been decided with the approval of competent authority that in case a Postal Assistant (PA) or sorting Assistant  (SA) as the case may be  (who was not granted financial upgradation under TBOP or BCR Scheme) was appointed to officiate/hold full charge of a norm based supervisory Lower grade Selection Grade  (LSG) post in accordance with the Rule 27 or 50, he /she maybe allowed the pay and allowances attached to the higher post subject to the satisfaction of all other relevant conditions. Similarly, in case of an official holding LSG or HSG-II norm based post on regular basis was appointed to officiate /hold full charge of a norm based higher/supervisory Higher Selection Grade –II (HSG-II) or Higher Selection Grade-I (HSG-I) post, respectively, in accordance with Rule 27  or 50 , he /she may  also be allowed the pay and allowances attached to higher post.

10.       Further as regards past cases of PA/SA  granted financial upgradation under TBOP scheme appointed to officiate /hold full charge of a supervisory norm based LSG as per Rule 27 or 50, he/she was entitled to draw pay and allowances permissible under TBOP scheme which happened to be in the pay scale of LSG post. Similarly, if an regular LSG official granted financial upgradation under BCR scheme was appointed to officiate /hold full charge of supervisory norm based HSG-II post, as per Rule 27 or 50, he/she was entitled to draw pay and allowance permissible under BCR scheme which happened to be in the pay scale of HSG-II. In case, a regularly appointed HSG-II official was appointed to officiate /hold full charge of supervisory norm based HSG-I post, as per Rule 27 or 50, he/she was entitled to draw pay and allowances attached to the post of HSG-I.

11.       The TBOP/BCR schemes have since been abolished w.e.f. 1.9.2008 on introduction of MACP scheme. The scheme envisaged merely placement in immediate next higher grade pay in the hierarchy of the recommended revised pay bands and grade pay as given in the CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, counted from the direct entry grade on completion of 10,20 and 30 years service respectively and is admissible wherever a person has spent 10 years  continuously in the same grade pay. Thus, the grade pay at the time of financial upgradation under MACP scheme, in certain cases differ than what is available at the time of regular promotion. In such cases, the higher grade pay attached to the next promotion post in the hierarchy of the concerned cadre will be given only at the time of regular promotion.

12.       In view of the position mentioned in the above paragraph, in case, a regular appointed PA/SA granted financial upgradation under MACP-I is appointed as per Rule 27 or 50 to officiate/hold full charge of norm based LSG post, he/she will be entitled to draw pay and allowances attached to the post of LSG as both MACP-1 and LSG carry the same grade pay of Rs.2800/-. However, if such PA/SA granted MACP-II or MACP-III is appointed to norm based LSG post, he/she will be entitled to draw pay and grade pay attached to MACP-II or MACP-III as the case may be subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions.

13.       Similarly, in case an officials holding the norm based LSG post on regular basis who is in receipt of MACP-II or MACP-III, as the case may be , is appointed to officiate/hold  full charge of supervisory HSG-II post, in accordance with Rule 27 or 50 , he /she would be entitled to continue to draw the pay and grade pay etc. attached to MACP-II or MACP-III as the case may be subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions.

14.       In case, an official holding the norm based HSG-II post on regular basis was already in receipt of MACP-II is appointed to official/hold full charge of a norm based supervisory HSG-I post, in accordance with Rule 27 or 50, he /she would be entitled to continue to draw the pay and grade, etc. pay attached to HSG-I post subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions. If such HSG-II official who in receipt of MACP-III is appointed to officiate/hold full charge of norm based HSG-I post in accordance with Rule 27 or 50, he or she would be entitled to continue to draw the pay and grade pay , etc. attached to HSG-I post subject to the satisfaction of all other/relevant terms and conditions.

15. The above illustration is given in cases of PA/SA who are appointed recruit as Direct Recruits. There could be cases where Multitasking Staff (MTS) or Postman/Mailguard who have reached the level of PA/SA by promotion are detailed to officiate on higher post as mentioned above. In such cases also, care may be taken to fix their officiating pay under rule 27 o9r 50 after taking into account the upgradation under MACP and / or promotion granted to them.

16.       The past cases, if any may also be regulated accordingly.

D.G. Posts No. 137-64/2010-SPB.II   Dated 28th July, 2011
Note:  Please do not forget to share with others if there is any financial benefit as a result of this orde

Criminal code rule

82. Proclamation for person absconding. 
(1) If Any court has reason to believe (whether after taking evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be executed, such court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear at a specific place and at a specified time not less than thirty days from the date of publishing such proclamation.

(2) The proclamation shall be published as follows-

(i)(a) It shall be publicly read in some conspicuous place of the town or village in which such person ordinarily resides;

(b) It shall be affixed to some conspicuous part of the house or home-stead in which such person ordinarily resides or to some conspicuous place of such town or village;

(c) A copy thereof shall be affixed to some conspicuous part of the Court house,

(ii) The court may also, if it thinks fit, direct a copy of the proclamation to be published in a daily newspaper circulating in the place in which such person ordinarily resides.

(3) A statement in writing by the court issuing the proclamation to the effect that the proclamation was duly published on a specified day, in the manner specified in Clause (i) of sub-section (2), shall be conclusive evidence that the requirements of this section have been complied with, and that the proclamation was published on such day.
Proclamation and attachment (Sections 82- 86 of Code of Criminal Procedure,1973)

82. Proclamation for person absconding.

(1) If any Court has reason to believe (whether after taking evidence or not) that any person against whom a warrant has been issued by it has absconded or is concealing himself so that such warrant cannot be executed, such Court may publish a written proclamation requiring him to appear at a specified place and at a specified time not less than thirty days from the date of publishing such proclamation. 
(2) The proclamation shall be published as follows:

(i) (a) it shall be publicly read in some conspicuous place of the town or village in which such person ordinarily resides;

(b) it shall be affixed to some conspicuous part of the house or homestead in which such person ordinarily resides or to some conspicuous place of such town or village;
(c) a copy thereof shall be affixed to some conspicuous part of the Court-house; (ii) the Court may also, if it thinks fit, direct a copy of the proclamation to be published in a daily newspaper circulating in the place in which such person ordinarily resides. (3) A statement in writing by the Court issuing the proclamation to the effect that the proclamation was duly published on a specified day, in the manner specified in clause (i) of sub-section (2), shall be conclusive evidence that the requirements of this section have been complied with, and that the proclamation was published on such day. 83. Attachment of Property of person absconding.

83. Attachment of Property of person absconding.

(1) The Court issuing a proclamation under section 82 may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, at any time after the issue of the proclamation, order the attachment of any property, movable or immovable, or both, belonging to the proclaimed person: Provided that where at the time of the issue of the proclamation the Court is satisfied, by affidavit or otherwise, that the person in relation to whom the proclamation is to, be issued,- (a) is about to dispose of the whole or any part of his property, or(b) is about to remove, the whole or any part of his property from the local jurisdiction of the Court, it may order the attachment simultaneously with the issue of the proclamation. (2) Such order shall authorise the attachment of any property belonging to such person within the district in which it is made; and it shall authorise the attachment of any property belonging to such person without such district when endorsed by the District Magistrate within whose district such property is situate.

(3)If the property ordered to be attached is a debt or other movable property, the attachment under this section shall be made-

(a) by seizure ; or
(b) by the appointment of a receiver ; or
(c) by an order in writing prohibiting the delivery of such property to the proclaimed person or to any one on his behalf
(d) by all or any two of such methods, as the Court thinks fit.

(4) If the property ordered to be attached is immovable, the attachment under this section shall, in the case of land paying revenue to the State Government, be made through the Collector of the district which the land is situate, and in all other cases-
(a) by taking possession ; or
(b) by the appointment of a receiver ; or
(c) by an order in writing prohibiting the payment of rent on delivery of property to the proclaimed person or to any one on his behalf ; or
(d) by all or any two of such methods, as the Court thinks fit.
(5) If the property ordered to be attached consists of live- stock or is of a perishable nature, the Court may, if it thinks it expedient, order immediate sale thereof, and in such case the proceeds of the sale shall abide the order of the Court.

(6) The powers, duties and liabilities of a receiver appointed under this section shall be the same as those of a receiver appointed under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908). 84. Claims and objections to attachment.

84. Claims and objections to attachment.
(1) If any claim is preferred to, or objection made to the attachment of, any property attached under section 83, within six months from the date of such attachment, by any person other than the proclaimed person, on the ground that the claimant or objector has an interest in such property, and that such interest is not liable to attachment under section 83, the claim or objection shall be inquired into, and may be allowed or disallowed in whole or in part: Provided that any claim preferred or objection made within the period allowed by this-sub-section may, in the event of the death of the claimant or objector, be continued by his legal representative. 845 (2) Claims or objections under sub-section (1) may be preferred or made in the Court by which the order of attachment is issued, or, if the claim or objection is in respect of property attached under an order endorsed under sub-section (2) of section 83, in the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate of the district in which the attachment is made. (3) Every such claim or objection shall be inquired into by the Court in which it is preferred or made: Provided that, if it is preferred or made in the Court of a Chief Judicial Magistrate, he may make it over for disposal to any Magistrate subordinate to him.
(4) Any person whose claim or objection has been disallowed in whole or in part by an order under sub-section (1) may, within a period of one year from the date of such order, institute a suit to establish the right which he claims in respect of the property in dispute ; but subject to the result of such suit, if any, the order shall be conclusive.

85. Release, sale and restoration of attached property.

(1) If the proclaimed person appears within the time specified in the proclamation, the Court shall make an order releasing the property from the attachment. (2) If the proclaimed person does not appear within the time specified in the proclamation, the property under the attachment shall be at the disposal of the State Government; but it shall not be sold until the expiration of six months from the date of the attachment and until any claim preferred or objection made under section 84 has been disposed under that section, unless it is subject to speedy and natural decay, or the Court considers that the sale would be for the benefit of the owner ; in either of which cases the Court may cause it to be sold whenever it thinks fit. (3) If, within two years from the date of the attachment, any person whose property is or has been at the disposal of the State Government, under sub-section (2), appears voluntarily or is apprehended and brought before the Court by whose order the property was attached, or the Court to which such Court is subordinate, and proves to the satisfaction of such Court that he did not abscond or conceal himself for the purpose of avoiding execution of the warrant, and that he had not such notice of the proclamation as to enable him to attend within the time specified therein, such property, or, if the same has been sold, the net proceeds of the sale, or, if part only thereof has been sold, the net proceeds of the sale and the residue of the property, shall, after satisfying therefrom all costs incurred in consequence of the attachment, be delivered to him.

86. Appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of attached property.

Any person referred to in sub-section (3) of section 85, who is aggrieved by any refusal to deliver property or the proceeds of the sale thereof may appeal to the Court to which appeals ordinarily lie from the sentences of the first-mentioned Court.

(3) Subject to the provisions of sub-rule (4), the power to impose any of the penalties specified in Rule 11 may also be exercised, in the case of a member of a Central Civil Services, Group ' C' (other than the Central Secretariat Clerical Service), or a Central Civil Service, Group 'D', - 

(a) if a serving in a Ministry or Department of the Government of India, by the Secretary to the Government of India in that Ministry or Department, or 

(b) if he is serving in any office, by the head of that office, except where the head of that office is lower in rank than the authority competent to impose the penalty under sub-rule (2). 

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule- 

(a) except where the penalty specified in clause (v) or clause (vi) of Rule 11 is imposed by the Comptroller and Auditor-General on a member of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, no penalty specified in clause (v) to (ix) of that rule shall be imposed by any authority subordinate to the appointing authority; 

(b) where a Government servant who is a member of a Service other than the General Central Service or who has been substantively appointed to any civil post in the General Central Service, is temporarily appointed to any other Service ro post, the authority competent to impose on such Government servant any of the penalties specified in clauses (v) to (ix) of Rule 11 shall not impose any such penalties unless it has consulted such authority, not being an authority subordinate to it, as would have been competent under sub-rule (2) to impose on the Government servant any of the said penalties had he not been appointed to such other Service or post ; 

(c) in respect of a probationer undergoing training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Adminstration the Director of the said Academy shall be the authority competent to impose on such probationer any of the penalties specified in clauses (i) and (iii) of rule 11 after observing the procedure laid down in rule. 

16. EXPLANATION - I . For the purposes of clause (c), 'probationer' means a person appointed to a Central Civil Service on probation. 

EXPLANATION - II. Where a Government servant belonging to a Service or holding a Central Civil post of any Group, is promoted, whether on probation or temporarily to the Service or Central Civil post of the next higher Group, he shall be deemed for the purposes of this rule to belong to the Service of, or hold the Central Civil post of, such higher Group. 

Ans-Keeping a watch to maintain the integrity of employees in an organization.
2. What are Vigilance  Activities?
Ans.- Preventive, Examination  of procedures to  remove loop holes, Regular and surprise   inspections,      Monitoring the activities of the  employees through returns, Detective, Investigation  of complaints or any  other  information regarding Irregularities, Punitive and Punishment  to the guilty.

3.- What are the articles  of the Constitution  of India which concerns  a government servants? 
   Article  309 - Recruitment and conditions of service of persons serving the Union or State                           
   Article 310- Tenure of office of persons serving the Union or a State          
   Article 311  Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities     
   under the Union or a state 
   Article 320 - Functions of Public Service Commission
4.-Who  is authorized to frame  rules to regulate the  recruitment and conditions  of service of Central  Government Employees?
Ans.- The  President
5.- Name  the two essential features  of the inquiry provided  in Article 311. 
Ans.- The  Government servant has to be informed  of charges; and
       given reasonable opportunity to defend himself.
6.- What  is the full form  of CCS (CCA) Rules? 
Ans:- Central  Civil Services (Classification, Control and  Appeal) Rules
7:- In  which year the CCS  (CCA) Rules were framed? 
8.What  is suspension ?
Ans:- The act of  officially removing some body from their job  for a period of time.
9:- Is  suspension a punishment? 
Ans:- No.  The purpose is to facilitate proper inquiry.
10:- Can  advance for procurement  of a conveyance be  given to a Govt  servant under suspension? 
11:-  Who is the authority  can  impose a penalty on  a Govt. Servant?
Ans:- The  Disciplinary Authority.
12:- Name the authority who can impose any penalty on  any govt servant?
Ans:- The  President
13:- When is Central Vigilance Commission to be consulted? 
Ans:- When  Group A  gazetted  officer is involved and there  is a vigilance angle
(i)  corruption,  cheating,   bribery,  misappropriation,   fraud and lack  of integrity; 
           (ii)  Abuse of official power/authority for self gain or for anyone else; 
           (iii) Substantial loss to government as a result of grave/ deliberate negligence or indulgence in nepotism;
           (iv)  Possession of disproportionate assets.
           (v)   Flagrant violation of  rules/ regulations/ procedures
14:- What  are the two stages  at which CVC is  consulted? 
Ans:- (i) The first stage advice - Commission indicates the action to be taken against the Government servant, whose conduct has been investigated.  
(ii)  The second stage advice - Commission considers the report of the Inquiry officer and advises the disciplinary authority about the penalty to be imposed.
15:- Can   an enquiry be conducted in respect of retired Govt. servant for an act done  by him during any  period of his service?
Ans:-  Proceedings  can be initiated after retirement
         Only with the sanction of the President
         Only in respect of any event which took place within four years of such institution
16:- Which  minor penalty cannot  be imposed unless oral  inquiry has been conducted? 
Ans:-Withholding of increments for more than three years or with cumulative effect or effecting pension.
17:- Which  penalty results in the  forfeiture of the past  service? 
Ans:- Removal  or Dismissal
18:- What  is the name of  the allowance given  to a Govt servant  under suspension. Which  Fundamental Right guarantees  that? 
Ans:- Subsistence  Allowance
Article 21 (Part III of the Constitution)
19:- Which  deductions are not permitted  from the subsistence  allowance? 
Ans:- Income  tax, House Rent, Electricity  & water charges,  installments of repayment  of loans and advances,  if necessary at revised  rates, CGHS contribution and contributions towards  CGE Group Insurance  Scheme shall be deducted  from the subsistence  allowance.   Premium  due to PLI, amount  due to cooperative societies  and refund of GPF  advance can be deducted  with the CONSENT of  the Govt. servant. Subscriptions  to GPF, amount due  on court attachments  and recovery of loss  caused to the Govt  cannot be deducted from  the subsistence allowance.

20:- Which are the cases, where  no appeal is permissible ?
Ans:- Any  order made by the  President.
      Any order of interlocutory nature or in the nature of step-in-aid of the final disposal of a disciplinary proceeding other than an order of suspension.
    Any order passed by an Inquiry Officer during the course of inquiry. (However, an appeal can be submitted against an order of IO rejecting request for engagement of a Defence Assistant from some outstation.)
21:- What  is the period of  limitation for filing  an appeal against an  order of penalty? 
Ans:- 45  days
22:- Is the disciplinary  framework of government  lays down control only  on employees? 
Ans:- No.  Employees do enjoy certain protection. Enough care  is taken to see that undue hardship  is not caused to the employee  and his  / her family members.
23:- What  are some of the  positive elements Employee  comes across in the  various provisions governing  the service conditions?
Ans:- Application  of Principles of Natural Justice
Protection under Article 311
Grant of Subsistence Allowance
Entitlement after death etc.

24:-What are Minor penalties?
 Ans:- Censure
Withholding of Promotion
Recovery from Pay of whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the Government by negligence or breach of orders etc
Reduction to lower stage in the time-scale of pay for a period not exceeding three years, without cumulative effect and not affecting his pension
Withholding of increments
25:-What are Major penalties?
Cases  which call for major  penalty
Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay
Reduction to a lower time-scale of pay, grade, post or service
Compulsory Retirement
Removal from service
Dismissal from service
25:- What  is suspension in the eye of Administration? 
 An  administrative action for debarring a Govt  servant from his powers and duties.
               Temporary deprivation of office pending regular disciplinary proceedings
Relationship of servant and master does not end. All conditions of service continue to apply.
No reduction in rank. Lien retained
Not a penalty
Appeal can be preferred
26:- When  can a Govt servant  be suspended?  
  • When  a disciplinary proceeding  is contemplated or pending  against him
  • When in the opinion of the competent authority, he has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the state
  • When a case against him in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation, inquiry or trial
When he is involved in dowry death and case is registered under section 304(B) of IPC he shall be suspended as soon as he is arrested, irrespective of the period of detention, or as soon as the charge sheet is filed against him,whichever is earlier.
27:- Circumstances  which justify suspension .
·          When  the Govt servant is  likely to hamper the  proceedings e.g. tempering  with the evidence
·         When his continuation in office is likely to affect office discipline
·         When he is involved in a scandal and it is necessary to demonstrate Govt’s intention to deal firmly with the situation

·         When his continuation in office is against public interest
28;-What is  Administrative  effects during suspension .
  • Govt  servant is not supposed  to attend office or  mark attendance. Entry  card is withdrawn.
  • Scooter or car advance cannot be granted.
  • HBA can be granted.
  • Govt servant can function as Defence Assistant
  • Leave cannot be granted.
  • LTC can be granted only to the family members.
  • Govt servant retains lien on his post.
           Govt servant cannot be sent on training, deputation etc
  • Permission  for Voluntary retirement  during suspension can  be denied by the  competent authority.
  • On attaining the age of superannuation the suspended Govt servant will be retired. Subsistence allowance shall stop. He will be paid only provisional pension.
  • Leave encashment can be withheld if there is possibility of some money becoming recoverable as a result of the proceedings.
  • Permission can be given to appear in Departmental Examination, but promotion will be considered only after finalisaiton of the proceedings.
29;-What is Revocation  of suspension ?
Ans:-Suspension  remains in force till  it is revoked.
Order can be revoked at any time by the competent authority.
Suspension automatically comes to an end if penalty of dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service is imposed.
In case of death during suspension, it is presumed that there was no suspension at all and full pay and allowances are to be paid
30:- What Action is done after reinstatement?
Ans:-An  order for regularisation of period of  suspension has to be issued. The period  has to be treated as duty if the  suspension was wholly unjustified. 
  • An order regarding pay and allowances payable for the period of suspension has also to be issued. Full pay and allowances may be given if the suspension was wholly unjustified.

  1. Complaints received by an administrative authority;
  2. Complaints received in the Central Vigilance Commission;
  3. Complaints received or intelligence gathered by the Central Bureau of Investigation and by Police authorities;
  4. Departmental inspection reports and stock verification surveys;
  5. Scrutiny of annual property statements;
  6. Scrutiny of transactions reported under the Conduct Rules;
  7. Reports of any irregularities in accounts revealed in the routine audit of accounts e.g. tampering with records, over-payments, misappropriation of money or materials, etc.;
  8. Audit reports on Government accounts and on the accounts of public undertakings and other corporate bodies, etc.;
  9. Report of Parliamentary Committees like the Estimates Committee, Public Accounts Committee and the Committee on Public Undertakings;
  10. Proceedings of the two Houses of Parliament;
  11. Complaints and allegations appearing in the press, etc.

General Knowledge

1. What is the expansion ( Full Form ) of YAHOO?
 Yet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle

2. What is the expansion ( Full Form ) of ADIDAS?
ADIDAS- All Day I Dream About Sports

3. Expansion of Star as in Star TV Network?
Satellite Television Asian Region

4. What is expansion of "ICICI?"
Industrial credit and Investments Corporation of India
5. The 1984-85 season. 2nd ODI between India and Pakistan at Sialkot - India 210/3 with Vengsarkar 94*. Match abandoned. Why?
That match was abandoned after people heard the news of Indira Gandhi being killed.
6. Who is the only man to have written the National Anthems
for two different countries?
Rabindranath Tagore who wrote national anthem for two different countries one is our 's National anthem and another one is for Bangladesh- (Amar Sonar* *Bangla )
7. From what four word expression does the word `goodbye` derive?
Goodbye comes from the ex-pression: 'god be with you'.

8. How was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu better known?
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu is none other Mother Teresa

9. Name the only other country to have got independence on Aug 15th?
South Korea

10. Why was James Bond Associated with the Number 007?
Because 007 is the ISD code for Russia (or the USSR , as it was known during the cold war)

11. Who faced the first ball in the first ever One day match?
Geoffrey Boycott

12. Which cricketer played for South Africa before it was banned from international cricket and later represented Zimbabwe ?
John Traicos

13. Which is the only country that is surrounded from all sides by only one country (other than Vatican )?
Lesotho surrounded from all sides by South Africa ..

14. Which is the only sport which is not allowed to play left handed?


26.       Which of the following is not a decree

(a)       Rejection of a plaint                              (b)      Dismissal in default
(c)        Both (a) & (b)                                    (d)       Neither (a) nor (b)                Ans:b

27.       Rejection of an application for condonation of delay and consequent dismissal of appeal as time barred is

(a)       A decree                                            (b)       Preliminary decree
(c)       Not a decree                                     (d)       None                                      Ans:c

28.       If an appeal against a preliminary decree succeeds, the final decree

(a)       Can be passed                                 (b)       Can or cannot be passed
(c)        Automatically fails                           (d)       None                                      Ans:c

29.       A decree, when further proceedings have to be taken before the suit can be completely disposed of, is a

(a)       Final decree                                                    (b)    Preliminary decree
(c)        Preliminary decree and partly final decree (d)    None of these          Ans:b

30.       A decree does not include

(a)       Any order of dismissal for default
(b)       Any adjudication from which an appeal lies as an appeal from an order
(c)        Either a. or b.                                                  (d)     Both a. and b.           Ans:d

31.       A decree, when an adjudication completely disposes of the suit, is a

(a)       Preliminary decree                         (b)       Final decree

(c)        Partly preliminary and partly final (d)       None of these                       Ans:b

32.       One of the following is a decree

(a)       An order dismissing a suit for default of appearance
(b)       An order rejecting an application for leave to sue informa pauperis
(c)        An order returning the plaint for presentation to the proper court
(d)       None of these                                                                                               Ans:c

33.       One of the following is a decree

(a)       Any order of dismissal for default
(b)       Any adjudication from which an appeal is lies as appeal from an order
(c)        Rejection of a plaint                                    (d)       None of these                       Ans:c
34.       ‘Decree holder’ means

(a)       Any person against whom a decree has been passed
(b)       Any person in whose favour a decree has been passed or an order
capable of execution has been made
(c)        Either a. or b.                                    (d) Neither a. nor b.                          Ans:b

35.       The first uniform Code of civil Procedure was enacted in the year

(a)       1908               (b)       1859               (c)        1882               (d)       1872   Ans:b
36.       Decree shall be deemed to include the rejection of a plaint and the determination of any question within Section 144 of C.P.C.-

(a)       Wrong                                                            (b)       Right
(c)        It includes rejection of plaint but does not includes the determination of any
            question within Section 144 of C.P.C
(d)       It includes determination of any question within Section 144 but shall not
            include the rejection of a plaint                                                                 Ans:b

37 The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2002 came into force on

(a)       1st April, 2002                                               (b)       1st June, 2002
(c)        6th June, 2002                                             (d)       1st July, 2002           Ans:d

38.       The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1999 as well as the Amendment Act, 2002 were held constitutionally valid in

(a)       T.K. Rangarajan Vs. Govt. of Tamil Nadu
(b)       Selam Bar Association Vs. Union of India
(c)        State of Punjab Vs. Sivaram
(d)       Centre for public interest Vs. Union of India                                          Ans:b

39.       The substantive part contained is

(a)       Sections                                            (b)       Rules
(c)        Orders                                                (d)       None of these.                      Ans:a

40.       The procedural part contained is

(a)       Sections                                            (b)       Rules
(c)        Codes                                                            (d)       None                                     Ans:c

41.       ‘Decree’ has been defined in section ____ of the Civil Procedure Code

(a)       5                                                          (b)       4                     
(c)        3(2)                                                     (d)       2(2)                                         Ans:d

42.       Which of the following Orders deals with commissions?

(a)       O. XXVI                                              (b)       O.XXII
(c)        O.XXIII                                                (d)       O.XXV                                    Ans:a

43.       ‘Public Officer’ is defined in………………..of Code of civil Procedure 1908.

(a)       2(16)                                                   (b)       2(14)
(c)        2(17)                                                   (d)       2(19)                                       Ans:c

44.       CPC include

            a)         51 orders & 158 Sections               b)         101 orders & 511 Section
            c)         35 orders & 488 Sections               d)         None of these                       Ans:a

45.       In a suit under order XXXVII, Rule 2 of CPC the defendant has to put in appearance within

            a)         10 days of service of summon      b)         15 days of service of summon
            c)         30 days of service of summon      d)         None of these                       Ans:c

Section of CrPc a person who is avoiding execution of a warrant may be proclaimed 
Sec 82 

Under sec 167 of CrPC an accused person can be remanded to police custody or judicial custody, the authorization of such detention 
 cannot exceed fifteen days at one time

Warrant  means
A case relating to an offence punishable with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment for a term exceeding two years. 
A witness who is unable to speak , gives his evidence by writing in open court, Evidence so given shall be deemed to be
Oral Evidence
Section 6 of the CrPC defines

Classes of Criminal Courts
Any magistrate may arrest any person 

within his local jurisdiction.[Sec 44(2)]
As per Sec.468 of Cr.PC, for an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year but not exceeding three years, the period of limitation is
3 years.
According to Sec.70(1) of the Code, every warrant of arrest issued by a Court ________ in writing

shall be
Section 53 of the IPC deals with

When two or more persons agree to do an act which is not illegal by illegal means, such agreement is called 

 Criminal Conspiracy[120 A]
What is the offence committed by persons of unlawful assembly when force is used in prosecution of its common object?

How many exceptions are provided under Section 300 IPC?

For criminal conspiracy the minimum number of persons required is . 

Inherent powers under section 482 Cr.P.C can be exercised by

The High Court.
When an Indigent person succeeds the court fee shall be recovered.

From the Plaintiff
Non Cognizable Offence means.
Police Officer can not arrest without warrant
Judge  means the presiding officer of

Civil Court
When did evidence act  came into force

September 1872
Complaint can be of cognizable or
Non-cognizable offence  while  FIR lodged in Cognizable offences

The above said statement  is
Sec. 167 IPC define

Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person
Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank of persons employed in civil capacities under the Union or a State   .  This is defined under ------ article of Indian Constitution

Article 311 of Indian constitution
Right of private defence of the body and of property
Section 97.

Collected and prepared by S Jayachandran, SA , Divisional office , Mavelikara -690101
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Do read and ensure that your staff too have read all security standing orders and instructions :—
(a) Your room, (b) Your documents, (c) Your safes and almirahs, (d) Your seals, (e) Your operating and duplicate keys.
Do ensure that on closing down for the day, nothing, to prejudice security is left down about in your office.
Do make sure of the identity of visitor first and then give him just what he need know to discharge his duty.
Do ensure that TOP SECRET matter is adequately safeguarded at all times and that all accountable classified  documents are entered in a register which is regularly checked.
Do ensure that knowledge of classified matter is confined only to individual who are duty bound to know it.
Do ensure that your employees have been properly verified before employment.
Do ensure that all security waste paper is burnt daily under adequate supervision.
Do report at once to your Security Officer if you observe any breach of security in your office or elsewhere.

DON’T go about blind. If everyone is on the look out for breaches of security, security is assured.
DON’T hesitate to have the identity of an unknown visitor established before you pass on any classified information
to him.
DON’T leave your room with SECRET papers lying on your desk. Lock them up even if you leave your room for a short time.
DON’T take official documents home. If you have to, DON’T forget that the burden of their security is your PERSONAL responsibility.
DON’T have classified maps, graphs, charts, photographs, etc., displayed openly on the walls in your office. Keep them covered or locked.
DON’T encourage rumours and garrulity by anyone. On the contrary suppress these firmly.
DON’T put your neck into a nose by signing receipts for SECRET papers without careful scrutiny.
DON’T throw SECRET papers into the waste paper basket. Tear such papers into small bits and ensure that all the waste paper from your room is collected and burnt before shutting up.
DON’T keep spare SECRET papers unless you must.
DON’T forget to destroy all drafts, rough notes, spare copies, steno’s notes, carbons etc., when you get your fair copy ready.
DON’T leave your room unlocked or unwatched at any time.
DON’T sent SECRET papers through peons unless they are locked in boxes or sealed in double covers.
DON’T make notes on SECRET subjects in your diary. If you must, destroy the notes as soon as possible.
DON’T discuss SECRET subjects on the phone which is a PUBLIC service, not a SECRET service.
DON’T fully close the doors of safes, cabinets or cupboards unless they are locked. A closed safe may give the impression that it is locked while actually it is not.
DON’T forget your keys. Security depends on the safe custody of the keys.
DON’T write official secrets in your private letters. Remember the Official Secrets Act.
DON’T display your knowledge of SECRET information. It will not impress anyone who counts, but it might land you in trouble.

IPC Section 161 to 190 CHAPTER IX OF OFFENCES BY OR RELATING TO PUBLIC SERVANTS. Study Material for IPO Examination

THE INDIAN PENAL CODE, 1860 (Sec 161 to 190)
Section 166. Public servant disobeying law, with intent to cause injury to any person.
167. Public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury.
168. Public servant unlawfully engaging in trade.
169. Public servant unlawfully buying or bidding for property
170. Personating a public servant.
171. Wearing garb or carrying token used by public servant with fraudulent intent.

171A. "Candidate", "Electoral right" defined.
171B. Bribery.
171C. Undue influence at elections.
171D. Personation at elections.
171E. Punishment for bribery.
171F. Punishment for undue influence or personation at an election.
171G. False statement in connection with an election.
171H. Illegal payments in connection with an election.
171-I. Failure to keep election accounts.
172. Absconding to avoid service of summons or other proceeding.
173. Preventing service of summons or other proceeding, or preventing publication thereof.
174. Non-attendance in obedience to an order from public servant.
175. Omission to produce document to public servant by person legally bound to produce it.
176. Omission to give notice or information to public servant by person legally bound to give it.
177. Furnishing false information.
178. Refusing oath or affirmation when duly required by public servant to make it.
179. Refusing to answer public servant authorized to question
180. Refusing to sign statement.
181. False statement on oath or affirmation to public servant or person authorized to administer an oath or affirmation.
182. False information, with intent to cause public servant to use his lawful power to the injury of another person.
183. Resistance to the taking of property by the lawful authority of a public servant.
184. Obstructing sale of property offered for sale by authority of public servant.
185. Illegal purchase or bid for property offered for sale by authority of public servant.
186. Obstructing public servant in discharge of public functions
187. Omission to assist public servant when bound by law to give assistance
188. Disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant.
189. Threat of injury to public servant.
190. Threat of injury to induce person to refrain from applying for protection to public servant.
Please visit
Collected by  S Jayachandran , SA , Divisional Office , Mavelikara

Q23  If directive principles of states  policy  is infringed
Answer: There is no remedy by judicial proceedings
Q24  Indira  sawheny V union  of India  is a  case dealing with
Answer : Reservation for OBC
25  Article 17 of the  constitution
Answer : Abolishes  untouchability 
26 which part of the constitution  reflects the mind and  ideals  of the framers
Answer : Preamble
27  The power of institution of suits and proceedings against the central government and state government is provided in which article
Answer  Article 300
28The attorney General  of India holds office  during  the pleasure of the
Answer : President

29 The eighth  schedule of the constitution contains
Answer : List of language recognaized by the constitution
30 National emergency can be declared by the president
Answer : On recommendation of the council  of ministers
31 The provisions of art 311 does not apply to
Answer All of these
32 who decides whether a bill is a money bill or not
Answer :Speaker of the Lok Sabha
33 who is the Ex – office Chairman of the Raja Sabha
Answer : The Vice-President

34 Which article seperates Judiciary from executive
Answer :Habeas Corpus
35 All  india  services has been created  under which article
Answer :Article 50
36 Which of the following  right is not provided under the consumer protection act
Answer : Article 312
37  The pecuniary jurisdiction of consumer state commission is
Answer : Right to punish
38 The pecuniary jurisdiction of consumer state commission is
Answer : None of the above
39 The limitation for filling appeal  under the consumer protection act is
 Answer : 30 days from the order
40 Medical services were brought under the consumer protection act by the supreme court in the famous case of
 Answer : Indian medical association v V.P shata
41  Consumer mentioned u/section 2 of the act includes
Answer  Both of them
42 The limitation for filing a  consumer complaint is
Answer : Two year
43 The delay in filing consumer complaint can be condoned under
Answer: Section 24 A(2) of the Act
44 Consumer disputes  redressal fourm to be known as 
 Answer : District Forum
45 The responsibility of a consumer under the act  includes
Answer:  All of the above
46  Appeal  from the orders of consumer national commission lies to
Answer : Supreme Court
47 under which  provision district forum can impose punitive damages
Answer: Section 14(d) of the Act
48 A person against whom  an order has been passed by the district forum may go  into appeal to the consumer state commission subject to  his depositing
Answer :Lesser of (A) & (B)
49 The president of consumer state  commission is appointed by the state government in  constitution with the
Answer :Chief Justice of the High Court
50 The pecuniary jurisdiction of  consumer national commission is
Answer : Above 1 Core
51 The provision of transfer of complaints from one district forum to another within the state vests with the state commission under 
Answer : Section 17 A of the Act
52 The word  “information “ under the  RTI act includes
Answer : Both of them
53  The RTI act  came into effect in the year
Answer : 2005
54  The provision of the RTI act giving  citizen right to  information is
Answer : Section 3
55 The language of an application  under the RTI act may be
 Answer : All of the above
56  The period for filing  appeal under the RTI act  is  
  Answer : 30  days
57  An application making request for information
Answer : Shall not be required to give any reason for requesting the information
58 The general time limit for providing information sought under  RTI act is
Answer : 30 days
59 The type of information exempted under the RTI act  are mentioned in 
Answer : Section 8
60 The term  of offices for the chief information commissioner and information commissioners is
Answer : Five year and  superannuation age being 65 years, whichever is earlier
61  Bar of Jursdiction of courts in respect of any  order made under the RTI act is contained in
Answer : Section 23
62 The umbrella organization under the RTI act to coordinates and monitor the implementation of the  provisions of the act is
Answer : National Advisory council
63  The object of the RTI act is
Answer : All the above
64  RTI act applies to 
Answer : Only A & B
65  The period for  filling second appeal under section 19 of the RTI act is
Answer : 90 days
66  The limit  of penalty  to be  imposed by the state information commission or the central information commission under section 20  of the act on the principal information officer  is rupees 
Answer :
67  Number of chapters in the Indian  penal code 1860 are
Answer : 23
68 How many types of punishments have been prescribed under the Indian penal code
Answer : Five
69  Chapter V of Indian  penal code deals with
 Answer : Abetment
70  abettor is a person
Answer : Who instigates the commission of offence
71  Preventing services of  summons or other proceeding or preventing publication thereof shall be published with
Answer : Any of A and B
72  Under section  99 the right of private defence is
Available against public servants only when  their acts cause reasonable apprehension  of death  or grievous  hurt
73  A public  servant absconding to avoid service of summons or other proceeding shall be punished with
Answer : Simple imprisonment for 1 month an fine Rs 500
74  Obstructing public servant in discharge functions shall be punished with
 Answer : Imprisonment for 3 months, or fine of Rs 500/- or both
75 Numbers of chapters in the Indian evidence act 1872
Answer : 11
76  indian evidence act  1872 does not apply on affidavits and arbitration
Answer : Correct statement
77 Relevancy is

78 RTI act 2005 covers all the state in the India  except
Answer :  Jammu & Kashmir
79 Which  one of the following is not a member of  committee for appointment of CIC
Answer :  Speaker of Lok sabha
80  which of the following  is not a writ  provided in the constitution of india

81  Code of civil procedure came in to force in the year

Answer  01-01-2009 1908
82  Mesne  profits under CPC means
Answer : Owner of property
83 Foreign judgment under CPC means
Answer : The Judgment  of  foreign court
84  Decree of a civil  court means and  includes

85 Judgment debtor means

Answer :A person against whom decree has been passed
86  Pleader menas
Answer : Any person entitled to appear and plead for another in court 
87 The word  judge under CPC  means

Answer :  Presiding officer of a Civil Court
88 The word ‘ order ‘under section 2 of CPC means
Answer : formal expression of any decision of a Civil Court 
89 Share  in a corporation shall be  deemed  to  include 
Answer : Bond , stock ,debenture stock
90  Apart from the state of Jammu & Kashmir which is the state where on whole of it CPC does not  apply
Answer : Nagaland

Central Government Act
Article 311(2) in The Constitution Of India 1949
(2) No such person as aforesaid shall be dismissed or removed or reduced in rank except after an inquiry in which he has been informed of the charges against him and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of those charges Provided that where it is proposed after such inquiry, to impose upon him any such penalty, such penalty may be imposed on the basis of the evidence adduced during such inquiry and it shall not be necessary to give such person any opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed: Provided further that this clause shall not apply
(a) where a person is dismissed or removed or reduced in rank on the ground of conduct which has led to his conviction on a criminal charge; or
(b) where the authority empowered to dismiss or remove a person or to reduce him in rank ins satisfied that for some reason, to be recorded by that authority in writing, it is not reasonably practicable to hold such inquiry; or
(c) where the President or the Governor, as the case may be, is satisfied that in the interest of the security of the State, it is not expedient to hold such inquiry


1. The Indian Evidence act into force on

a) 06 Oct 1860 b) 01 Mar 1974
c) 15 Mar 1872 d) 01 Sep 1872 Ans:d

2The Indian Evidence act enacted in

a) 06 Oct 1860 b) 01 Mar 1974
c) 15 Mar 1872 d) 01 Sep 1872 Ans:c

3. The Indian Evidence act 1872 Consists

a)  167 Sections, 11 chapters
b)  511 Sections, 23 chapter
c)  156 Sections, 3 Schedules
d)  None of these Ans:a

4. The Indian Evidence act 1872 was drafted by

a) Sir James F. Stephen b) Macaulay
c) Lilly d) None of these Ans:a

5The Indian Evidence act 1872 extends to

a)  Whole India
b)  Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area & Jammu and Kashmir
c)  Whole India except Nagaland , tribal area
d)  Whole India except Jammu and Kashmir Ans:d (1)

6. Facts means and include

a)  Any thing, state of things, or relation of things, capable of being perceived by the senses
b)  Any mental condition of which any person is conscious.
c)  Both the A and B
d)  Neither A nor B Ans:c(3)

7. Facts can be

(a) Physical facts
(b) Psychological facts
(c) Physical as well as psychological facts
(d) Only physical facts & not psychological facts. Ans:c

8. The law of evidence consists of
(a) Ordinary rules of reasoning (b) Legal rules of evidence
(c) Rules of logic (d) All the above. Ans:b

9. Indian Evidence Act applies to

(a) Proceedings before tribunals (b) Proceedings before the arbitrator
(c) Judicial proceedings in courts (d) All the above. Ans:c

10. Law of evidence is

(a) Lex tallienis (b) Lex fori
(c) Lex loci solutionis (d) Lex situs. Ans:b

11. Law of evidence is

(a) Substantive law (b) An adjective law
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b). Ans:b

12. Under the Evidence Act, fact means

(a) Factum probandum
(b) Factum probans
(c) Both factum probandum and factum probans
(d) None of the above. Ans:c

13. Fact in issue means

(a) Fact, existence or non-existence of which is admitted by the parties
(b) Fact, existence or non-existence of which is disputed by the parties
(c) Fact existence or non-existence of which is not disputed by the parties
(d) All the above. Ans:b

14. Evidence under the Indian Evidence Act means & includes

(a) Ocular evidence
(b) Documentary evidence
(c) Ocular and documentary evidence both
(d) Ocular evidence based on documents only. Ans:c

15. Mark the correct option

a)  Documents means any matter expressed or described upon any substance b means of letter, figures or marks.
b)  Words printed, lithographed or photographed are documents
c)  A map or plan is a document
d)  An inscription on a metal plate or stone and caricature are documents.
e)  All the above Ans:e(3)

16. Mark the correct option

a)  All statements which the court permits or requires to be made before it by witnesses, in relation to matters of fact under inquiry such statements are called oral evidence
b)  All documents including electronic records produced for the inspection of the court called as documentary evidence
c)  Both the A and B are correct
d)  Neither A nor B are correct. Ans:c

17. After considering the matters before it, the Court either believes it to exist that fact is said to be

a) Not proved b) Disapproved
c) Proved d) None of these Ans:c(3)

18. After considering the matters before it, the Court either believes that it does not exist, or considers its non-existence that fact said to be

a) Not proved b) Disapproved
c) Proved d) None of these Ans:b(3)

19. A fact neither proved nor disproved is known

a) Not proved b) Disapproved
c) Proved d) None of these Ans:a(3)

20. Whenever it is provided by this Act that the Court may presume a fact, it may either regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved, or may call for proof of it

a) May presume b) Conclusive proof
c) Shall presume d) None of these Ans:a(4)

21. Whenever it is directed by this Act that the Court shall presume a fact, it shall regard such fact as proved, unless and until it is disproved

a) May presume b) Conclusive proof
c) Shall presume d) None of these Ans:c(4)

22. When one fact is declared by this Act to be conclusive proof of another, the Court shall, on proof of the one fact, regard the other as proved, and shall not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it

a) May presume b) Conclusive proof
c) Shall presume d) None of these Ans:b(4)

23. Which one of the following is not included in expression court under Indian Evidence Act

a) All Judges b) All Magistrates
c) All persons legally authorized to take evidence d) Arbitrator Ans:d

24. That there are certain objects arranged in a certain order in a certain place-

a) Is a fact b) Is an opinion
c) Is a document d) Is a motive Ans:a(3)

25. A inscription on metal plate or stone

a) Is a fact b) Is a document
c) Is an opinion d) Is a motive Ans:b(3)

1.     Pay & Allied Issues

1.      What are all the conditions for claiming stepping up of Pay with juniors?

Ƙ  (i) Both senior and junior must be in the same cadre in identical pay scales and also in the same recruiting unit.
(ii) Posts to which they are promoted must also be identical and same.
(iii) At the time of promotion, senior must be getting equal or more pay than junior.
(iv) Anomaly should be direct result of application of FR 22 (c) or any pay fixation rules.

2.      How option can be made for pay fixation on date of promotion which will be advantageous?

Ƙ  As per the revised pay rules, if the promotion is in between 2nd July to 31st December, his next increment will be from 1st July of the same year. If the promotion is accorded in between 1st Jan to 30th June in a year, his increment will be drawn only in the next year. So, one has to carefully study before making option for pay fixation at the time of promotion.

3.      What is the restriction under FR 35 for officiating pay when a Government is ordered to work in higher posts?

Ƙ  As per DOPT OM No. F/1/4/2009 - Estt (pay I) dt. 08.03.2010, for employees receiving pay in the pay band up to Rs.14880 PM (our cases), 15% of the basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 2000/- PM (including the difference of grade pay between the feeder and the promotional post). The annual increment @ 3% of the basic pay so fixed shall be granted.

4.      What are all the cases which will not construe under the pay anomalies?

Ƙ   (i) Senior getting less pay in lower post due to postponement of date of next increment on account of his proceeding on extraordinary leave.
(ii) Senior refusing promotion leading to early promotion of the junior and later promotion of the senior.
(iii) Junior getting higher pay in lower post due to adhoc arrangements.
(iv) Senior joining higher post later and getting lower pay.
(v)  Senior appointed to lower post later than the junior but getting promoted earlier than the junior.
(vi) Senior direct recruits getting less pay than the junior promotees whose pay is fixed with reference to pay last drawn.
(vii)Junior getting more pay due to additional increments earned on acquiring higher qualifications.
(DOP&T OM No. 4/7/92 – Estt (Pay I) dt. 04.11.93)

5.      Whether stepping up of pay can be allowed second time with another official?

Ƙ  As per DOPT order dated 22.07.1985, the benefit of stepping up of pay can be allowed to senior official second time, provided the anomaly has arisen with reference to the pay of the same junior, with reference to whom the pay of the senior was stepped up first time. As such there is no provision to step up with another person directly.


1.         Night Post Office may extend up to  and by

a)         0830 pm ,DG posts                b)       0700pm,HOC
c)         1000pm, PMG                         d)       0600pm,SSP                                    Ans: a

2.         Franking machine has

a)         Value die                               b)         License die
c)         Both a&b                               c)         None of this                                        Ans :c

3.         Franking article can be posted by
            a)         Any post office                       b)         Only two post office
c)         Head office                            d)         All sub offices                                    Ans :b

4.         Franking machine license is issued by

            a)         Head of the cirlcle                 b)         Head of the division
            c)         DG posts                                d)         Any of these                                       Ans :b

5.         Window delivery ticket is a

            a)         Daily docket                           b)         The receipt given by po     
c)         ID of Franking machine licensee’s representative d)       None of these Ans :c

6.         Rebate available at the time of reset of meter is

            a)         2%                                          b)         3%   
c)         5%                                          d)         none of these                         Ans :b

7.         Error on franking impression the refund will be claimed by firm/institute within_____ and ___ of less deduction.

            a)         two month, 2%                       b)         three month, 4%
            c)         one month, 5%                      d)         six month,       1%                              Ans: c

8.         Franking meter reset will be made by

            a)         PA                                           b)         Postman       
            c)         LSG postmaster                    d) PRI and above status                               Ans : d

9.         More than one impression of value die but not more than 1 licensee die allowed.

            a)         Correct                                   b)         Incorrect                                             Ans :a
10        Prepayment of postage on cash facility is authorized by and how much letter may be posted to have these facility.

            a)         HOC, UR-500 big city and 250 small city, Reg -50
            b)         DG post, UR-1000 big city and 500 small city, Reg -100
            c)         Head of the division UR-5000 big city and 1000 small city, Reg -500
            d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans :a

11.       Recall of postal article fee for each article is

            a)         9/-                                            b)         6/-     
c)         3/-                                            d)         Free of cost                                       Ans :b
(in shape of postage)

12        Window delivery will be made in case of insured article vale is more than

            a)         500                                         b)         100
            c)         200                                         d)         No limit                                               Ans :a

13.       Limit of detain article in post office which are received for delivery inland  & foreign article

            a)         15 days and 30 days            b)         7 and 15 days
            c)         30 days and 45 days            d)         None of these                                    Ans :b

14.       Fee for availing post box facility is

            a)         150 per year and 50 per quarterly,  b)         250 per year / 100 quarterly
            c)         100 per year / 50 quarterly               d)         None of these            Ans :a

15.       Fee for availing facility of box and post bag is combine is

a)         150 per year and 50 per quarterly,  b)         250 per year / 80 quarterly
            c)         100 per year / 50 quarterly               d)         None of these            Ans :b

16.       Cost of window delivery ticket is

            a)         9/-                                b)         6/-
            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :d

17.       Cost of Identity card is

            a)         9/-                                b)         6/-
            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :a

18.       Validity period of ID card is

            a)         1 Year                         b)         2 Year
            c)         Six month                   d)         3 year                                                             Ans: d

19.       Postal Restante article can be detained in post office

            a)         7 days                         b)         1 month
            c)         15 days                      d)         Cann not be detain                                       Ans :b

20.       Redirection fee of parcels within delivery area /original address  and sender in case of unclaimed parcel is

            a)         9/-                                b)         6/-
            c)         3/-                                d)         free of cost                                                     Ans: d

21.       Redirection fee of parcels except delivery area /original address is

            a)         Postage plus registration fee          b)         Full postage
c)         Half  the prepaid rate                        d)         Free of cost                           Ans: d

22.       Suggestion & complaint book are maintained by

            a)         HO                              b)         BO   
            c)         Circle office               d)         All post office                                                 Ans: d

23.       Size limit of ID card is

            a)         88mmX 63mm                      a)         100mmX 70mm
            c)         11mmX 22mm                      d)         None of these                                    Ans: a

24.       Instruction regarding change of residence is valid for

            a)         1 month          b)         1 year
            c)         3 month          d)         5 year                                                                         Ans: c

25.       Authority to whom complaint should be addressed

            a)         Local Supdt.and PM in case  first class PO.         b)         HOC
            c)         DG Posts                                                                   d)         PMG               Ans: a

26.       Circle complaint officer is

            a)         Vigilance officer                    b)         CPMG
            c)         PMg                                        d)         Head of division                                Ans: a
(Vigilance officer has attachƩd to the HQ of each circle)

27.       Period within complaints should be prepared in case of VP, loss /damage of regd& ins article, other complaint related to inland post, miscarriage /destruction of postal order & SP is

            a)         12 month, 3 month, 6 month, 12 month, 1 month
            b)         24 month, 6 month, 9 month, 1 month, 2 month
            c)         36 month, 1 month, 6 month, 9 month, 2 month
            d)         6 month, 3 month3 month, 9 month, 1 month                                             Ans: a
                        for more question visit

28.       legal responsibility of post office is exempted from

            a)         Any fault by induvidual
b)         Loss, mis delivery or delay of , or damage to, any postal article in course of transmission by post
c)         wrong payment or delay in payment by foreign postal administration of money order issued in India.
            d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans : d

29.       Article addressed to deceased person

a)         Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied  for them in case uninsured article.
b)         Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for             them in case do not appear to contain any valuable property
c)         Delivery such articles to any near relative of the deceased who may have applied for             them in case no counter –claimant or likelihood of dispute.
d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans; d

30.       Size limit of letter  and roll is

            a)         Min11X7cm & max 60X90cm,   min 10X17cm & max 88X100cm
b)         Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm,   min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans : a

31.       Size limit of Inland letter card folded and unfolded is

            a)         Min15.2X9cm & max 21X10cm,   min 28.2X18.2cm max 30X21cm
b)         Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm,   min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans : a

32.       Post card of private manufacture size limit is

a)         Min10X7cm & max 50X100cm,   min 15X25cm &max 80X100cm
b)         Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm  min 10X7 cm
c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans: b

33.       Recorded delivery fee and intimation fee is

            a)         3, 4                                          b)         5,6
c)         2,1                                           d)         None of these                                    Ans: c

34.       Complaint can be made in case of recorded delivery is within

            a)         One month                             b)         Six month
            b)         Two month                             d)         Cannot be made                               Ans: b

35.       Fee for availing business reply service

            a)         Apr to Jun -100, Jul to Sep-75, Oct to Dec-50, Jan to Mar -25
b)         Apr to Jun -200, Jul to Sep-150, Oct to Dec-100, Jan to Mar -50
            c)         Apr to Jun -250, Jul to Sep-150, Oct to Dec-75, Jan to Mar -50
            d)         Free of cost                                                                                                   Ans: b

36.       Book packet may contain

            a)         News papers, publications of all kinds,
            b)         Printed books, paper, parchment
            c)         Cardboard either blank or printed
            d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans: d

37.       Size limit of book packet roll and other than roll is

            a)         Min 10X17 cm & max 80X100,   10X7 cm & 60X30X30 cm
b)         Max 15 cm x 10.5 Cm  min 10X7 cm
c)         Min11X22cm & max 60X40cm,   min 20X17cm &max 90X100cm
d)         None of these                                                                                                Ans: a

38.       The weight limit of book packet is

            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans; d

39.       The weight limit of book packet containing periodicals is

            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans; d

39.       The weight limit of book pattern and sample packets  is

            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans; b

40.       The weight limit blind literature packet   is

a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         7 kg                                                     Ans; d

41.       The following charge are exempted to blind literature packet

            a)         Registration                                                   b)         Fee  for ackn
            c)         Fee for the attested copy of receipt            d)         All the above              Ans :d

42.       License for Registered newspaper is issued by

            a)         DG Posts                               b)         Head of the circle
            c)         SSP/SP                                 d)         PMG                                                   Ans: c

43.       Security fee for availing registered newspaper facility is daily newspaper- 1 month cost, weekly- 10 week cost, fortnightly- 21/2 moth cost,  monthly- 2 month cost.

a)         Above statement is true       b)         Above statement is false                  Ans: a

44.       Late fee for renewal of  regd news paper is

.           a)         5/-                                b)         6/-
            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :a

45.       Renewal charge of reg news paper is

            a)         5/-                                b)         6/-
            c)         3/-                                d)         Free of cost                                                   Ans :d

46.       Parcel can be sent by UR up to

            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         5 kg                                                     Ans :a

47.       Parcel can be booked at BO is

            a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         10 kg                                                  Ans:d

48        Parcel can be booked at SO is

.           a)         4 Kg                                        b)         2 Kg
            c)         20 kg                                      d)         10 kg                                                  Ans:c

49.       Max size limit of parcel is

            a)         Length 1 mtr and length and girth is 1.80mtr
            a)         Length 2 mtr and length and girth is 1.900mtr
a)         Length 3 mtr and length and girth is 1.20mtr
a)         None of these                                                                                                Ans:a

50.       No compensation will be payable in case

            a)         For loss or damage caused by the fault or negligence of the sender
            b)         Article is prohibited by transmission by post
c)         For damage in case in which the contents of the registered article are liquid or perishable articles or articles of and exceptionally fragile nature.
            d)         All the above                                                                                                  Ans d

1.      What are the allowances exempted from attachment of salary? 
Ƙ  (i) All kinds of travelling allowances.
(ii)   All kinds of conveyance allowances.
(iii)    All allowances to meet the cost of uniform/rations.
(iv)     Compensatory Allowances for higher cost of living in expensive localities/hill stations.
(v)       All house rent allowances.
(vi)     Dearness allowance or other allowances to provide relief from increased cost of living
(vii)   Children Education Allowance described in any manner.
(viii) All reimbursement of medical expenses.
(ix)     Dearness pay if any.
The above allowances are exempted from court attachment.         (Rule 74 of CGA (R&P) Rules 1983)

2.      Where more than one penalties of withholding increments are imposed against an official at the same time, how it can be given effect to?
Ƙ  In such cases, one after the other, the first penalty order is given effect for the period specified in the order. Thereafter, the increment due to the employee will be allowed and then next penalty order will be implemented from the date of next increment due to him; and so on for third and subsequent penalties.
(DG P&T No. 230/308/75-Disc II dt. 03.05.76)
1.     Allowances & Quarters

3.      As per the Sixth CPC, whenever DA goes up to 50%, the special allowances shall be increased by 25%. Whether  HRA, Transport Allowance etc will cover under these orders w.e.f 01.01.2011 since the DA is expected to reach 51%
Ƙ  No. In respect HRA, Transport Allowance etc, there will be no revision.
In respect of the following allowances, there will be increase by 25%.
(i)        Daily allowance on Tour, mileage Allowance, transportation of Personal effects etc.
(ii)      Special compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance.
(iii)    Special compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance.
(iv)     Split Duty Allowances to Central Secretariat & allied offices.
(v)       Bad climate Allowance.
(vi)     Project Allowance.
(vii)   Scheduled/Tribal Area Allowance.
(viii) Cycle Maintenance Allowance
(ix)     Conveyance Allowance.
(x)       Washing Allowance.
(xi)     Special Allowance for disabled women employees.
(xii)   Cash handling allowance to cashiers/Treasurers.
(xiii) Children Education Assistance & RTF.
(xiv) Advance for purchase of Bicycle, warm clothing, Festival & Natural Calamity Advance.

4.      Whether an official who is on long leave is entitled for drawal of HRA? If so up to what extent?
Ƙ  On medical leave, HRA is allowed for 8 months. Beyond that, it can be allowed by the controlling authorities. For other kinds of leave, HRA is allowed up to 180 days without any certificate. On furnishing required certificate, it may be drawn for remaining periods.
(MOF OM No. 11020/19/90-EII (B) dt. 05.02.1991)

5.      Whether the official placed under suspension is entitled for drawal of HRA?
Ƙ  Yes. As per MOF OM NO. F 2(37) EII (B)/by dt. 27.01.1965, HRA shall be drawn to the officials placed under suspension at the rate it was drawn before suspension.

Thanks to
Circle Secretary,
AIPEUP3, TN Circle

New Delhi, Mar 30, 2012(PIB): The CCS (Leave) Rules has been amended by the Department of Personnel and Training (DOPT) vide Notification F.No.13026/2/2010-Estt.(L)] dated 29.03.2012. You can't take leave excess five years.
According to the new amendment, the Government Servants cannot be granted any kind of leave for a continuous period more than 5 years. It has been further laid down that any government servant if absent from duty for more than 5 years continuously with or without leave (other than on Foreign Service), they shall be deemed to have resigned from their post. The said notification is placed below for your ready reference.

Click here for the notification.


1.         Categories of Foreign postal articles are

            a)         Letter post & Parcel post                 b)         Airmail & Sea mail
             c)        Registration post & Ins post           d)         All of the above                    Ans:a(1)

2.         The abbreviation  ‘UPU’ stands for

            a)         United Postal Union                                    b)         Universal postal union
            c)         United Pacific Union                       d)         None of these                       Ans: b(3)

3.         Asian Oceanic Postal Union is having its head quarter at

            a)         Dacca                                                 b)         New Delhi
            c)         Singapore                                         d)         Mannilla(Phillipines)                       Ans:d(4)

4.         India joined the AOPU in the year         

            a)         1970                                                   b)         1975
            c)         1978                                                   d)         1973                                       Ans: d(4A)

5.         The fee for special services Registration acknowledge, insurance certificate of posting and late fee are

            a)         Not uniform for all destination
            b)         Uniform for all destinations
            c)         Of two different rates on for western countries and another for eastern
            d)         None of these                                                                                               Ans: b(7)
6.         AD means

            a)         Acknowledgement due                   b)         Advice of delivery
            c)         Actual Delivery                                 d)         None of these                       Ans: b(7)

7.         Label size of foreign article is min & postage paid words should not be less than

            a)         70mm X 100mm & 300sq mm        b)         50mm X 80mm & 200sq mm
            c)         25mm X 50 mm & 100 sq mm        d)         None of these                       Ans: a(11)     
8.         The delivery of a foreign article in the country of destination

            a)         Varies from country to country      b)         Uniform all over
            c)         As desired by the sender                d)         None of these                       Ans: a(14)

9.         Mark the correct option:

a)         Rate applicable for recall of foreign article in case letter 10gm & Telegraph 15 words
            b)         The fee paid for the recall will not be refunded under any circumstances
            c)         Weight more than 500gm a warehousing charge at the rate per day
commencing             from eight day, shall be collected from the addressee at the time of delivery.
            d)         All the above are correct                                                                      Ans: d(16-18)

10.       Article except VP addressed as “ Postal Restante” are detained in the PO of delivery for the period not exceeding

            a)         Seven days                                       b)         Three month
            c)         One month                                        d)         Fifteen days                          Ans: c(18)

11.       Mark the correct option:

a)         Surface mail items received from any country for delivery in India may be redirected to any place within India.
b)         First class mail surcharge or un surcharged are eligible for free redirection by air within India
c)         Surface mail received for delivery in India from any country not applying reduced charges forIndia may be redirected to another country by the surface mail without any charge for the redirection.
d)         All of the above are correct                                                                       Ans: d(19)

12.       Mark the correct option

a)         Surface mail received for delivery in India from a country India may be redirected by the surface mail to any country  on payment if dispatched to its new destination.
b)         If the above charge not paid before redirection, it will be treated as insufficiently paid      & tax equal to difference in postage (notdouble) to be collected at the time of delivery        
c)         a and b are correct                           d)         None of these correct          Ans: c(19)

13.       Mark correct option related to official postal articles

a)         The rules relating to private correspondence apply equally to official postal article
            b)         Service stamps can be used for prepayin outward official foreign mail but the
postage due on inward foreign mail addressed to Govt officers cannot be paid by means of service stamps
c)         All of above are correct                   d)         None of these are correct   Ans: c(21)

14.       Correspondence for personnel of the Indian Armed Forces serving outside India addressed to the Indian Army PO.

            a)         Should be prepaid as air article    b)         Should be prepaid as if SAL
            c)         Should be prepaid as inland article for all purpose  d) None of aboveAns: c(22)

15.       The max weight of an Airmail letter should not exceed

            a)         4 Kg                                                    b)         5 Kg
            c)         2 Kg                                                    d)         1 Kg                                        Ans:c(26)      
16.       Dimensions of Postcards is

            a)    Max 100 X 150 mm & min 80 X 140 mm 
b)    Max 105 X 149 mm & min 90 X 140 mm
c)    Max 150 X 200 mm & min 70X 140 mm  
d)    None of these                                                                                                   Ans: b(30)     

17.       Mark incorrect option related to Postcard

            a)         Should not be folded, cut or altered and should be sent unenclosed
            b)         Breach the conditions may be treated as letter and postage will be taxed
c)         Unpaid and insufficiently paid postcards are forwarded taxed with double the deficiency.
d)         The amount recovered from sender after the  delivery.                        Ans: d(31-32)

18.       The corresponding inland post service to the printed paper service in the foreign post is
a)         Pattern and sample packet                        b)         Registered News paper
c)         Book packet service                                    d)         None of these                       Ans: c(34a)

19.       The following items may be sent as printed papers through book packet

            a)         Manuscripts of works or for newpaper
            b)         Musical scores or sheets of music in manuscript.
            c)         Papers obtained by means of a typewriter of any type
            d)         films and sound recording                         e)         a & b only                              Ans:e(34)

20.       Mark correct option related to packet of regd news paper

            a)         Breach of conditions the packet will not be forwarded but will be returned to
            b)         Sender will be required to pay double deficiency in the internal postage
            c)         If the sender wish to repost the article after complying with necessary
                        conditions,  he may do so by paying fresh postage in full on the article.
            d)         All the above are correct                                                                             Ans: d(41)

(Prepared by AB Kantharaja mobile No 08969822340)

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